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� <br />- �`—i <br />�, IAP2 Core Values of Public Participation <br />� <br />As an international leader in public participation, IAP2 has developed the <br />"IAP2 Core Values for P�tblic Participation' for use in the development <br />� I and implementation of public participation processes. 7hese core values <br />were developed over a two year period with broad international input <br />International Association to idcntify those aspects of public partiicipation which cross national, <br />for Public Participation cultural, and religious boundaries. The purpose of these cot�e values is to <br />help mal<e better decisions which reflect the interests and concerils of <br />potentially affected people and entities. <br />Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation <br />Public participation is based on the belief that those who are af�ected by a decision <br />have a right to be involved in the decision-mal<ing process. <br />2. Public participation includes the promise that the public's contribution will influence <br />the decision. <br />3. Public participation promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and <br />communicating the needs and interests of all participants, including decision mal<ers. <br />4. Public participation seel<s out and facilitates the involvement of those potentially <br />af�ected by or interested in a decision. <br />5. Public participation seel<s input from participants in designing how they participate. <br />6. Public participation provides participants with the information they need to <br />participate in a meaningful way. <br />7. Public participation communicates to participants how their input affected the <br />decision. <br />For more inforrnation, visit the IAP2 Web site at <br />(C) Copyrigh[ 2007 In[ernaLional AssociaLion for Public Participation <br />