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r— � <br />IAP2 Spectrum <br />af Public Participatia� <br />,• , - s <br />Inform Consuit Involve Collaborote <br />To provide the <br />public with <br />balanced aad <br />objective <br />information <br />to assist them in <br />undeatanding the <br />problem, <br />allematives, <br />opportunities <br />and/or snlvc9ons. <br />We will keep <br />you informed. <br />■ Faccsheets <br />■ Web sites <br />■ Open hotises <br />. :�;ai� .r�nrwiwni. ���r...i..,i �•r �JJ. I.���:..i r. <br />�iv►icPr��r�� <br />-- Moving from Talk to Action -- <br />To obtain puhlic <br />feedback on <br />�y�, <br />altemacives <br />and/or decisions <br />We will keep you <br />informed, listen to <br />and acknowledge <br />ooncems and <br />aspirations, and <br />provide feedback <br />on how �ublic <br />inpnt in{luenced <br />the decision. <br />■ Public comment <br />+ Focus graups <br />• Surveys <br />■ Public roeecings <br />To work directly <br />with the public <br />throughout <br />the process to <br />ensurc that public <br />concerns and <br />aspirations are <br />consistently <br />undersWod and <br />consideted. <br />We will work with <br />you to ensure that <br />your concems <br />and aspirarions <br />are directty <br />reflecced in the <br />alternatives <br />dcvdoped and <br />provide teedback <br />on how public <br />input intlusnced <br />the decision. <br />• Workshops <br />■ Deliberative <br />polling <br />To partner with <br />the public in each <br />aspact of r.he <br />decision including <br />the development <br />of altematives and <br />the identification <br />of the pre[erred <br />solution <br />We will look to <br />you for advice <br />and innovation <br />in formuladng <br />solutions and <br />incorpaiate your <br />advice and <br />recommendations <br />into the decisions <br />co the ma�dmum <br />extent possible. <br />■ Citizen advisory <br />committees <br />■ Consensus <br />building <br />■ Partidpatory <br />decision- <br />making <br />��� <br />�i <br />Inter�aational Assaiatinri <br />(o.^ Public Paniapation <br />Empower <br />To plaee finai <br />decision-making <br />in the hands of <br />the public. <br />VUe will <br />impletnent <br />what you declde. <br />■ Citizen juries <br />■ Ballofs <br />■ Delegated <br />decision <br />���� <br />�pf �`�iAHQ�I`11kpA'i S�f4?p�A <br />� <br />