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ASSETS <br />Cash and cash <br />equivalents <br />Taxes receivable <br />Unremitted <br />Deferred <br />Accounts receivable <br />Due from other <br />govemments <br />Due from other funds <br />Total assets <br />LIABILITIES <br />& FUND BALANCE <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable <br />Accrued payroll <br />Contracts payable <br />Due to other funds <br />Deferred revenue <br />Deposits <br />Total liabilities <br />Fund balance <br />Unreserved <br />Designated for <br />subsequent <br />years expenditures <br />Undesignated <br />Total fund balance <br />Total liabilities and <br />fund balance <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NON-MAJOR FUNDS <br />BALANCE SHEET <br />December 31, 2001 <br />Tele- <br />Communications <br />SPECIAL REVENUE <br />License Charitable Information <br />Center Gambling Technology Total <br />$ 126,133 $ 10,666 $ 5,882 $ 5,143 $ 147,824 <br />0 0 0 0 0 <br />0 0 0 0 0 <br />0 0 4,658 266 4,924 <br />0 0 0 8,513 8,513 <br />165,000 0 0 0 165,000 <br />$ 291,133 $ 10,666 $ 10,540 $ 13,922 $ 326,261 <br />$ <br />191 $ <br />1,288 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />1,479 <br />402 $ 0 $ 226 $ <br />11,077 898 1,709 <br />0 0 0 <br />40,000 100,000 25,000 <br />0 0 0 <br />0 0 5,000 <br />51,479 100,898 31,935 <br />819 <br />14,972 <br />0 <br />165,000 <br />0 <br />5,000 <br />185,791 <br />289,654 0 0 0 289,654 <br />0 (40,813) (90,358) (18,013) (149,184) <br />289,654 (40,813) (90,358) (18,013) 140,470 <br />291,133 $ 10,666 $ 10,540 $ 13,922 $ 326,261 <br />63 <br />