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<br />8ubd. 3. Efficieflcy: The consolidation of areas for <br />recreation and reductions in street lengths and other utility <br />related expenses. <br /> <br />Subd. 4. Density Transfer: The project density may be <br />clustered, basing density on number of units per acre versus <br />specific lot dimensions. <br /> <br />Subd. 5. District Integration: The combination of uses <br />which are allowed in separate zoning districts such as: <br /> <br />A. Mixed residential allows both densities and unit types <br />to be varied within the project. <br /> <br />B. Mixed residential with increased density acknowledging <br />the greater sensitivity of PUD projects, regulation <br />provides increased density on the property if a PUD is <br />utilized. <br /> <br />C. Mixed land uses with the integration of compatible land <br />uses within the project. <br /> <br />17.040. Allowed Uses. <br /> <br />Uses within the PUD may include only those uses <br />generally considered associated with the general land use <br />cat~gory shown for the area on the official Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan. However, in some unique situations, the PUD may allow <br />the approval of use or uses that are not listed as either <br />permitted or conditional uses in any underlying zoning district. <br />The specific allowed uses and performance standards for each PUD <br />shall be delineated in an ordinance and development plan. The <br />PUD development plan shall identify all the proposed land uses <br />and those uses shall become permitted uses when the development <br />plan is approved. Any change in list of uses presented in the <br />development plan will be considered an amendment to the PUD and <br />will follow the procedures specified in Section l7.070 of this <br />Chapter. <br /> <br />17.050. Required Standards. <br /> <br />The City shall consider the proposed PUD from the point of <br />view of all standards and purposes of the Comprehensive Land Use <br />Plan to achieve a maximum coordination between the proposed <br />development and the surrounding uses, the conservation of <br />woodlands and wetlands, the protection of health, safety and <br />welfare of the community and residents of the PUD. To these <br />ends, the City Council shall consider the location of the <br />buildings, compatibility, parking areas and other features with <br />respect to the topography of the area and existing natural <br />features such as streams and large trees; the efficiency, <br /> <br />2 <br />