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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, August 5, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />expiring shortly, and was being held up pending several conditions yet to be completed 46 <br />by the Vogel Company (e.g. fence installation). 47 <br />At the request of Chair Boguszewski, Community Development Director Paul Bilotta 48 <br />responded that the City’s Building Official typically sets a date based on when they think 49 <br />work can be completed. However, Mr. Bilotta noted that it was not unusual for the 50 <br />Certificate of Occupancy to be extended if completion of the work was out of the control 51 <br />of the applicant (e.g. weather related or third-party contractor or subcontractor 52 <br />schedules). In the case of the Vogel Certificate of Occupancy, Mr. Bilotta advised that the 53 <br />issue was not of a statutory nature, but was a case of waiting for private utility companies 54 <br />to address a buried cable (CenturyLink) and overhead electrical lines (Xcel Energy); and 55 <br />noted that Vogel was diligent working with those private firms to resolve the delays. Mr. 56 <br />Bilotta advised that from a staff perspective, they had no concerns that the work would be 57 <br />completed, whether by the deadline of August 16, or shortly thereafter. Mr. Bilotta 58 <br />advised that while the private utility companies were notoriously slow to respond, he was 59 <br />aware that a surveyor had been sent out by CenturyLink recently, so progress was 60 <br />continuing. 61 <br />Chair Boguszewski asked that staff provide an update at next month’s meeting on this 62 <br />issue; advising that if the delay is due to legitimate reasons it was understandable; 63 <br />however, if the owner was delaying progress, it was of concern to the Commission. 64 <br />Mr. Bilotta noted that the Vogel Company had received a bid on the fence; opining that 65 <br />they were as anxious as staff and the Commission to resolve these outstanding issues. 66 <br />Mr. Bilotta advised that staff would send an e-mail update to the Commission as 67 <br />additional information became available between now and the next Commission meeting. 68 <br />5. Public Hearings 69 <br />Chair Boguszewski reviewed the protocol for public hearings and subsequent process. 70 <br />MOTION 71 <br />Member Boguszewski moved, seconded by Member Bull to approve amendment of 72 <br />tonight’s agenda to hear Planning File No. 15-010 before the remaining cases. 73 <br />Ayes: 7 74 <br />Nays: 0 75 <br />Motion carried. 76 <br />a. PLANNING FILE No. 15-010 77 <br />Request by Art Mueller for approval of a PRELIMINARY PLAT of property 78 <br />addressed as 2201 Acorn Road 79 <br />Chair Boguszewski opened the public hearing for Planning File 15-010 at approximately 80 <br />6:40 p.m., noting this hearing had been continued from the July 1, 2015 meeting and 81 <br />tabled at that time; with subsequent withdrawal by the applicant of that application. Based 82 <br />on that withdrawal, Chair Boguszewski sought formal action by the body to officially close 83 <br />the public hearing for Planning File No. 15-010; noting that a new application had been 84 <br />submitted by the applicant and will be heard in the future as a new and separate case. 85 <br />MOTION 86 <br />Member Boguszewski moved, seconded by Member Cunningham to CLOSE the 87 <br />public hearing for Planning File 15-010: Request by Art Mueller for approval of a 88 <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT for property addressed at 2201 Acorn Road, due to 89 <br />withdrawal of the application by the applicant. 90 <br />With Member Bull noting the timing for an open house for the new case and public 91 <br />hearing if scheduled for September, Mr. Paschke clarified that the timeframe for those 92 <br />events applied to when the application was actually submitted, in accordance with current 93 <br />City Code provisions. 94
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