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161 <br />162 <br />163 <br />164 <br />165 <br />166 <br />167 <br />168 <br />169 <br />and hold, use and dispose of such money or other property and assistance in accordance with the <br />terms of the gift, grant or loan relating thereto. <br />All powers granted herein shall be exercised by the governing board in a fiscally responsible <br />manner and in accordance with the requirements of law. <br />The governing board may cooperate with other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to <br />accomplish the purpose for which it is organized. <br />170 3.08 Insurance <br />171 The governing board must obtain and maintain liability insurance in amounts not less than the <br />172 statutory liability limits established under Minn. Stat. Ch. 466 and may obtain other insurance it <br />173 deems necessary to insure the parties, the governing board, its members and employees of the <br />174 parties for actions arising out of this Agreement. <br />175 <br />176 Any excess or uninsured liability shall be borne equally by all the members, but this does not <br />177 include the liability of any individual officer, employee, or volunteer which arises from his or her <br />178 own malfeasance, willful neglect of duty, or bad faith. <br />179 <br />180 <br />181 <br />182 <br />183 <br />184 <br />185 <br />186 <br />IV. BUDGET AND FINANCE <br />4.01 Budget <br />By March 31 of each year the governing board shall prepare and adopt a budget for the following <br />calendar year and may amend the same from time to time. <br />187 4.02 Expenses <br />188 The parties intend to fund EMS through an equal, annual contriburion paid by each party. The <br />189 governing board shall establish the contribution by March 31 of the year prior to the year when the <br />190 contribution is payable. The parties agree to pay the contribution as determined by the governing <br />191 board on or before January 31 of the year following the determination. These funds may be paid <br />192 from grants funds, drug forfeitures, and any funds voluntarily contributed by any member. <br />193 <br />194 4.03 Accountabilitv <br />195 The Roseville Police Department shall act as the fiscal agent for EMS. All funds shall be <br />196 accounted for according to generally accepted accounting principles. A repart on all receipts and <br />197 disbursements shall be forwarded to the parties quarterly and on an annual basis. <br />198 <br />199 <br />200 V. POSITIONS <br />201 <br />202 5.01 Team Commander <br />203 The Team Commander shall be a licensed peace officer appointed by the governing board. <br />204 Appointment as Team Commander pursuant to this agreement shall not obligate any party to pay to <br />205 its employees so appointed either supervisory or other premium pay. <br />206 <br />207 5.02 Leadership Positions <br />208 The Team Commander shall appoint licensed peace officers to serve as executive officers, and <br />209 team leaders subject to approval of the governing board. Appointment to a leadership position <br />210 pursuant to this agreement shall not obligate any party to pay to its employees so appoinied eiiher <br />2ll supervisory or other premium pay. <br />2l2 <br />213 Peace officers assigned to leadership positions within EMS at all times will remain employees of <br />214 the members' own jurisdictions and will not be employees of the governing board. <br />4 <br />