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215 <br />216 Peace officers assigned to leadership positions shall be the liaison between the team meinbers and <br />2l 7 the Team Commander when an EMS team has been deployed pursuant to this agreement. <br />218 <br />219 5.03 Team members <br />220 The chief law enforceinent officer of each party shall assign licensed peace offcers to serve as <br />221 EMS team members, subject to approval of the Team Commander. Appointment as a team member <br />222 pursuant to this agreement shall not obligate any party to pay its employees so appointed any <br />223 premium pay. <br />224 <br />225 Team members assigned to the EMS at all times will remain employees of the members' own <br />226 jurisdictions and will not be employees of the governing board. <br />227 <br />228 A party may decline to make its personnel available to respond to a call far assistance. Failure to <br />229 provide assistance in response to a request made pursuant to this agreement will not result in any <br />230 liability to the party that fails to provide assistance or to the EMS. <br />231 <br />232 5.04 Direction and Control <br />233 Personnel and equipment provided pursuant to this agreement shall be under the direction and the <br />234 tactical control of the licensed peace officer in command of the scene of the jurisdiction to which <br />235 assistance is being provided. They shall remain under this tactical control until the request for <br />236 assistance ends, or they are recalled by the Team Commander. <br />237 <br />238 5.05 Comqensation <br />239 When EMS provides services to a requesting party, the personnel of EMS shall be compensated by <br />240 their respective employers just as if they were performing the duties within and for the jurisdiction <br />241 of their employer. No charges will be levied by EMS or by parties far specialized response <br />242 operations provided to a requesting party pursuant to this agreement unless that assistance <br />243 continues for a period exceeding 48 continuous hours. If assistance provided pursuant to this <br />244 agreement continues for more than 48 continuous hours, and the assistance is not provided in <br />245 connection with a criminal investigation, any party whose officers provided assistance for EMS <br />246 shall submit itemized bills for the actual cost of any assistance provided, including salaries, <br />247 overtime, materials and supplies, to EMS and EMS shall submit the invoices to the requesting <br />248 party. The requesting party shall reimburse EMS for that amount, and EMS shall forward the <br />249 reiinbursement to its respective members. <br />250 <br />251 Each of the parties, with the exception of the Metropolitan Council, is required by Minn. Stat., § <br />252 12.27, Subd. 3 to designate employees or officers who are authorized to dispatch equipment and <br />253 personnel, in certain emergencies, to other jurisdictions. For purposes of dispatching EMS teams, <br />254 each of the parties delegates such authority to EMS, which is authorized to dispatch such personnel <br />255 and equipment, taking into consideration each party's available resources. <br />256 <br />257 Calls for assistance from non-parties to EMS shall be governed by Minn. Stat., § 12.331. Each of <br />258 the parties, with the exception of the Metropolitan Council, delegates to EMS the authority to <br />259 respond with the personnel and equipment of tbat parry that are assigned to EMS as a sending <br />260 political subdivision within the meaning of Minn. Stat., § 12.331, Subd. ], which is authorized to <br />261 dispatch such personnel and equipment, taking into consideration each party's available resources. <br />262 <br />263 If EMS provides services to an entity not a party to this agreement, the responding parties may <br />264 submit itemized bills for the actual cost of any assistance provided, including salaries, overtime, <br />265 materials and supplies, to EMS, and EMS may bill such entity for the actual costs in accordance <br />266 with Minn. Stat., § 12.331. <br />267 <br />268 <br />