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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/21/2015 4:29:15 PM
Creation date
9/16/2015 11:08:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 17,2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> and coming to a decision for the senior discount program, opining she found no <br /> need to consider another subsidy in a different way. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted having had this discussion in the past and decision <br /> resulting in the council action supporting the current rate structure and situation. <br /> Councilmember Etten advised that it would take him more time for a thorough <br /> read of the information provided by Councilmember McGehee and determination <br /> as to whether it provided any actual savings before he could respond beyond to- <br /> night's initial read. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed his desire to make sure the City Council had that discussion <br /> prior to charging the Finance Commission in pursuing it; and expressed his will- <br /> ingness for Councilmember McGehee to bring this back for further discussion in <br /> the future if supported by the Council majority. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding whether the Finance Commission felt any new in- <br /> formation came out of Councilmember McGehee's analysis. <br /> Commissioner Bachhuber noted the Commission's previous support for and their <br /> analysis of the current structure and the logic of that structure. Commissioner <br /> Bachhuber opined that if the City Council charged the Commission with looking <br /> further into how it set utility rates, it needed to be done using a full set of criteria <br /> including other factors as part of that analysis. From the point of view of the <br /> Commission, Commissioner Bachhuber opined it would not factor in as a super <br /> high priority and while there were certainly different dimensions to consider than <br /> the current structure, there was no perfect system, but the consensus of the Com- <br /> mission was that this current structure provided an awesome starting point. <br /> Commissioner Byrne agreed with Commissioner Bachhuber that any rate design <br /> in general had flaws, but noted the need to consider costs, benefits and all pros <br /> and cons, as well as subsidies in one place versus another. However, Commis- <br /> sioner Byrne opined that a more productive conversation may be to consider the <br /> potential complications with a block rate and harms for low income/high usage <br /> customers to achieve conservation. If the Commission were to check the math on <br /> bonding — or staff— Commissioner Byrne echoed her colleague that considering <br /> another funding mechanism would be low on her priority list. As a newer resi- <br /> dent of Roseville, Commissioner Byrne referenced her personal reaction to the <br /> water rates in Roseville until she understood it better; and while the base rate is <br /> higher she admitted she still paid attention to her water usage. Commissioner <br /> Byrne noted this current structure sent a strong signal to users that there was a <br /> cost for the infrastructure they were using it. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the apparent policy question involved here seemed to be more <br /> social in nature and expressed his lack of interest in asking the Finance Commis- <br /> sion to weigh in on a social policy. If the City Council discussion is whether to <br />
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