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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/16/2015 2:36:17 PM
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9/16/2015 2:26:01 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 24, 2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> clearer understanding if and when they received a public notice, not just how to <br /> meet their neighbors. Councilmember McGehee opined that this should include <br /> how the process worked, how local government is structured, and how to make <br /> speakers more comfortable expressing themselves to the City Council or make a <br /> statement or point, even if that involved mock scenarios in public speaking, which <br /> she considered a huge part of civic engagement in removing those barriers. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that, no matter the steps taken, there would re- <br /> main hesitation or lack of involvement from some, and sought additional feedback <br /> from the CEC on how best to address that. Councilmember Laliberte agreed with <br /> Mayor Roe in looking at the points of contact with the community during a pro- <br /> cess to identify which stage a project was at and what tools to use for particular <br /> stages for community engagement. Councilmember Laliberte expressed her in- <br /> terest in the CEC being involved in the SE Roseville process, even though the <br /> work was underway,but perhaps in compiling the bits and pieces to make sure the <br /> overall picture was available given the number of components in this large pro- <br /> ject. Councilmember Laliberte clarified that she was not intending that the CEC <br /> own the SE Roseville initiative, but just to ensure all touch points and stakehold- <br /> ers were addressed and familiar to all. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with that suggestion. Mayor Roe suggested that since the <br /> SE Roseville project was so all-encompassing, his intent with previous comments <br /> was for the CEC to provide ideas not for a generic set of tools that would be rele- <br /> vant to all situations, but for a process and specific tools for a particular target — <br /> tools, timing and process — that would be beneficial to all involved and moving <br /> forward. Mayor Roe noted that this may even involve, specifically with the SE <br /> Roseville initiative already in process, a review in hindsight of missing pieces or <br /> something that stands out that would involve stakeholders in the future, perhaps <br /> using this as a case study in progress. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the City's Comprehensive Plan update due in 2017 as a major <br /> initiative that would benefit from suggestions of the CEC before getting into the <br /> process. Mayor Roe suggested this may include whether or not to update the <br /> community vision before then or how that informed the Comprehensive Plan up- <br /> date. Mayor Roe noted the need to be prepared for those steps now before getting <br /> into the Comprehensive Plan process itself. <br /> • <br /> City Council consensus was that the CEC focus on SE Roseville and Community <br /> Visioning/Comprehensive Plan update processes for feedback to the City Council <br /> at their earliest convenience. <br /> As a separate item, Councilmember Laliberte spoke in support of the idea of the <br /> proposed listening/learning events, but at this point didn't know how to or how <br /> not to support them, since the Human Rights Commission (HRC) was also in flux <br /> with that initiative and she didn't want the efforts of the CEC and HRC duplicated <br />
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