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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/16/2015 2:36:17 PM
Creation date
9/16/2015 2:26:01 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 24, 2015 <br /> Page 14 <br /> until the City Council had more time to consider the role of the HRC going for- <br /> ward. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified from his perspective that the CEC's role would involve more <br /> how to engagepeople. <br /> Commissioner Gardella opined that, based on staff and City Council feedback, it <br /> seemed the reason for gathering people would be to determine what if any barriers <br /> existed for their participation and to provide better access to their local govern- <br /> ment or how they felt about their community, their quality of life, and what they <br /> desired for their children in the community. Commissioner Gardella noted, de- <br /> pending on the direction desired by the City Council in serving that purpose, it <br /> could be designed in numerous ways, but a determination was needed on the best <br /> ways to perform them. Commissioner Gardella proposed going beyond the three <br /> pilot listening/learning events if successful, but pursuing an ongoing method to <br /> hear from the community about different topics and develop a process for that. <br /> While recognizing that the sky was the limit, Councilmember Laliberte reiterated <br /> her concern that she needed a better understanding of the HRC's role before di- <br /> recting the CEC to move forward on it. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested there may be a role for the HRC or other parts of the city in <br /> various topics, but the first 1-3 sessions could determine what the city wanted to <br /> focus on. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that her interpretation of the role of the CEC <br /> was to focus on civic engagement and barriers to residents being involved in <br /> speaking at or attending meetings, or understanding their rights as a citizen. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested listening sessions involving how residents <br /> liked their community, how they felt about diversity in the community — all of <br /> which may belong to different advisory commissions — but involving the overall <br /> process of listening/learning that would eventually become available to all adviso- <br /> ry commissions related to their specific topics of interest and targeted to commis- <br /> sions specifically. <br /> With Commissioner Gardella mentioning education, Mayor Roe suggested shar- <br /> ing ideas and seeking feedback from the school district as apartner. <br /> Recognizing that an interdepartmental group was working with the Karen com- <br /> munity and representatives from neighborhood associations, Commissioner Gre- <br /> fenberg personally thanked City Clerk Kari Collins and City Manager Patrick <br /> Trudgeon for their work on those efforts. However, as referenced in the Decem- <br /> ber 8, 2014 joint meeting of the CEC and City Council, Commissioner Grefen- <br /> berg clarified the 2015 work plan priority items and charge to the CEC. In re- <br /> sponse to that, Commissioner Grefenberg presented a summary of that charge via <br />
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