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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/18/2015 10:07:05 AM
Creation date
9/18/2015 10:04:56 AM
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Public Works Commission
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I A. <br />445 Member Cihacek opined it was good to look at the program in light of <br />446 current future construction goals to determine if that information or <br />447 infrastructure has changed since the last review. <br />448 <br />449 Chair Stenlund also expressed interest in hearing public comment on how <br />450 the County Road B system is working for residents, as well as speed <br />451 adjustments made as part of that improvement. <br />452 <br />453 Generally speaking, Mr. Culver expressed interest in the follow-up concept <br />454 including that for other recent sidewalk installation areas. While not <br />455 hearing a lot of comments to -date, and presuming that meant "no news is <br />456 good news," Mr. Culver agreed that an update would be prudent, since he <br />457 had fielded no complaints from residents over the summer on prevailing <br />458 speeds now and any speed issues with the reductio in speed form 40 mph <br />459 to 35 mph along that segm t of County Road B. <br />460 <br />461 • Miscellaneous IAL <br />462 Mr. Culver reported that there would be no follow-up necessary based on <br />463 the PWETC's recent community tour, other than to add future conditions <br />464 and information available to the map. <br />465 <br />466 Member Cihacek noted the potential and fairly significant expansion project <br />467 at Rosedale Center and asked for a staff update as part of their <br />468 communication items at the next meeting. <br />469 <br />470 Mr. Culver advised that the initial conversation would occur at next week's <br />471 Planning Commission meeting for a proposed new anchor, increasing the <br />472 mall's square footage significantly and including a proposed parking <br />473 structure as the new retail space would be located where current parking is <br />474 located. Mr. Culver reported that a traffic study was already under <br />475 discussio , and between the Planning Commission and City Council future <br />476 mitigation efforts required of the applicants would be defined including any <br />477 additional studies. Mr. Culver advised that at a minimum additional <br />478 stormwater mitigation for such a large increase in square footage would <br />479 need review and mitigation recommendations by the watershed district and <br />480 City. Mr. Culver stated that the City may opt to partner with Rosedale <br />481 Center and the watershed district to expand the proposed stormwater system <br />482 to address a broader area, one which already experiences existing capacity <br />483 issues north of Fairview Avenue. Mr. Culver noted that any added now <br />484 from Rosedale flowing north up to County Road C would indicate <br />485 additional mitigation for the regional system. Mr. Culver advised that staff <br />486 would be working on those issues over the next few months, and would <br />487 keep the PWETC updated as applicable. <br />488 <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />
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