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Variance Board Resolution_109
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Variance Board
Variance Board Resolution_109
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Last modified
9/25/2015 4:11:03 PM
Creation date
9/23/2015 9:24:49 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Variance Board
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WHEREAS, the Var�ia�nce $oard has macie� the fc�llowing fiYldings: <br />a. T�h� cod�;-c�mpliant w���y �to build the propc>s�d wat�;r-oriented ��ccessc�ry structure is <br />an in7�practical r�;q�iiremei�t, r�c�uiri�n�; placing the st�ructur�; in an odd or unreasc�nable <br />location �f the pr�>perty and limiting its desi�,m. �L�r�hern�are, fhere is soinethin� t�� �e <br />saic�i about good desi�n and ap�ropr�iate placement �7f"a st�ruetur�: that wuuld c>tilerwise <br />n�t be allowed. Such cc�mpliance wo�,�ld r�quire a greater side yard setback t11an <br />req�lired of non-shc�rela�lld acce�sory structuz�c�s ar�ci be oLit �7f place with the l��t �nd <br />other prope;rties in the ar�;a; rc,c�uires a builc�in� desi�n (size and width viewed from <br />th� s�horelinc) tl�lat apptars outciatecl; ar�d eliminat�d the ability tc� use tl�e existin�; <br />inature tree;s as a screei�. It is these re�;trictions that repr�;se�nt thc practical difficulty <br />of tl7e var�iance rc�c�Lzest. <br />b. The propo�,ed d�velopmez7t is generally cc�nsistent with the Comprehe��nsive Plan in. <br />that ii repr��ents cc>ntinu�d investm�rit in a r�sidelztial pr�p�rty in a way that �is <br />cc��rn�patible wit11 the s�►rrc�unditl� lak�shore neigllbc�rhood. IVlor�c�ver, tl�e <br />Camprehcnsive P1an's ��sidential G4aa1s a�r7d Policies chapter �;ncour��g�s <br />m�inten�ncc, reinvesta�7�ent, a��c�l hi�;h-qualit�y development a�id dc�sign c�f the City's <br />resid�;�ntial struct��res, and the Enviran:�nental Prcrt�c�et�ion Cxc�als at�d P�1�icies sp�aks tca <br />pratecting �t1d �;1�17anci�l�; envir�7mne�7ta1 r�;s�urees. T11e r�placement c7f a dec�pitat�;� <br />bc�athc�use �iY�d relc�catii7g the structure furtl��r away from a neigh�b�rin�; tree and th�; <br />sht�rcline �n�akes strides i�7warc�s ac�li�ving thc�se �c�als a�nc� polic�ies; <br />c. The propasal is cc�nsistent witl� the intent c�f�the zc>ning orc�inances minimum requir�d <br />setback ciist��llees �troin � shor�litle �nd maxi�mum c�imensi�7na1 stt�ndards havc� been <br />d��med pi•evious tools intendEd to pr<atect t1�c� pul�lic resc�urce and to minimiz� any <br />passible i�mpacts. The ��roposa� woulcl be ccansistr,nt with il�e intc�nt of the zc�7�ti��g <br />orainanc�s sinc�; t�he app�licant is se�king io re;plac� a pre-existing non-conforming <br />strLacti�rc. tlz�t� cc�ulci oth�;rwise b�; replaced at� t11e cxact sirc� and 1c�cation. Whi�e the <br />p�rcrpasal hc��thouse is slightly wider as view�d frc»n the water (a��proxiaTiately 12.5 tc> <br />14.25 feet versus 12 feet), includes a�reater �;quar� fi�ota�;e (31 S vsrsus 250 syuare <br />feet), is set closer to th� ordina�ry high watennark c�r shoreline than permittec� (4 <br />ve�rs�rs 10 fe�t), and is s�;t closer to a sicie property line than pennitted (5 feet versus <br />20 fc�et), tl�7r; propc�sed r�lc�cate� boathc>use reduces the pc�tential of adverse impacts tc� <br />the cxistin�; trees (�;speci�111y th�: tree ��n th� ne�ighbc�ring propert�y). Th� proposal als�a <br />r�c�lices the, iz�n�pact c�n tlle sh�r�;line, arici s�abilizes t�he shc�reline i�� iec�a�t c�f ih� �iew <br />bc>athouse; whic�h will elilninat�; futurc� erod�ii�� of the; soil under the s�ructure, and <br />allc�ws the; constr��ictic��1 c>f a mac�est u���radc�c� stnictur•e iar the hame c�w�lers tc� store <br />th�ir wate;r-relat�c� item�; <br />d. "Re�asonable" us� �f t11e propert�y w���ilci be canstrained witihout a variance b�ca�use <br />strict compliance with the zonirz�; cc�dc woulci effectively reqnirL this b<aathouse/water <br />ori�t7�ted accc;ssc�ry structure tca be di�nUrisiaz�ally smaller, l�c�th in widih ��5 viewed <br />frc�ir� the s11c7re ar�d c�vera�ll size, and wc7uld rec�uire; the n�w structure ta be placed w�11 <br />off the shc�re:line and nearex the midcile of the pro�erty v�rsus alc�t�� th� side prc7perty <br />lin� znuch like rncrst accessory struct�ures ir� resideY�tial areas. Thc� pro�pc7sed I<�cEztion, <br />whil�; not achieving fu11 c�mpliance with th� requir�d 10 fc�ot shc�reline and 2O foot <br />sid�; yard setback and th� 250 sy. ft. maximu�n size, provic�e�s reasonab�� tiise of the <br />Page 2 <7f 4 <br />
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