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Variance Board Resolution_109
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Variance Board
Variance Board Resolution_109
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Last modified
9/25/2015 4:11:03 PM
Creation date
9/23/2015 9:24:49 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Variance Board
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property affording the ha�ne awners a new baathouse that reduces current impacts and <br />prc�serv�s mat�ir�; tr�;es; <br />e. The property possesses thL kind of uliiq�,re ch4�racteristics th4�t j��st�ify tlpproval c�f th� <br />rec�u�sted variance becaiise of the pre-existin�; placement �>f ih�; b��athoti�se �k�y otl�ers, <br />trees thcrt hav� matLireci ou b��th the subject ar�c� the neighk�or�ing prc�perty, and the <br />siibs�;c�uent establisl�ment �f sh��r�land require�ments, p��rticu�arly thc��;e re��rdin�; <br />w��ter-or�ieizteci accF:,ssory strti�cture�, c�antrib�:itc� tc� tla� ut�ic�ue character�isiics th�t <br />�ustify the ap}arc�val af ihe; rec�ue;sted vAFzr�.NC�:. Fu�rthe,r, �� cas�: coulcl be made� that <br />sv�ne; af thc� r�q�.lirer��ents of Cl�apter 1017 �r�; c�utdatec� and in rleec� c�f'revision. <br />Speci�tically, items related t�7 setback and dizn�;nsi�nal starzdards lir�iit th� at�ility t� <br />devel��p cr�;ative building desigrls that� c�n r�ducc� visual impact, wl�ich s�e�ns to be a�n <br />over��r•cl7ing gc>al anc� one that cc7uld be better achievec� with adcled fl�xibilit�y n�t <br />currently afforded within t17e� C��de. <br />f. Th� pra}�o��d boathc�use/wat�;r-Urient�;d accesso�ry structure rep�resc�nts a type <br />residential im�rc7velner�t ttlat is �ii7zit�ci to lak�;sh��re �rcrpe�rty. Altliough the boathous�; <br />would n<�t l�e ��lace� at the rec�LGiz�ecl setb�cks tr�in side yard anci th� slloreline, anci i�c�t <br />meet a cc>Llple din�ensic�nal stanc�ards, thc improvement re�r�selrts � g�n�ral lake share <br />improvem�;nt enjcayed �by many c�iri-ent lao�z�e ��wners. Adc�ition�lly, b�athc�us�;s have <br />be�n in existencc� for mai7y years and are c�mmon features, Lisually v�;ry ne���r �ra�erty <br />lin�;s ���nci the shareli��e, anc� c�f varying ]�ngth, height, and w�idth. Such an <br />imprc>vem�;nt wc��ild nc�t �ne��rtively alter th�; eharactc�r crf tl�e surro��nd�ing r�sidential <br />n�,�ighbanc�aoc�. <br />NC7W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Rosevill� Vari��nce $oard, to apprave a <br />65 squai•e f�>c�t vari�ncc; fr�m § l Ol 7.17.C.1.a, a 2-112 t�>ot variance fr�m § 1017.17.C.b, a 6 f�aot <br />v��rianee fr<>m § 1017.17.G. l.e, ��nc� a 15 fo<at varirince trom § 1 Q 17.17.C. ].f of the City Cc>de to <br />allaw eonstrL�c;tic>n ��f a n�w boath�>use, su�7ject tc� the fc�lic�win� c��nditi<7ns: <br />a. The �lpplicant and/��r cc�ntractc��r s17a11 provic�� a cietailc�d survey at the time of��l�u�i�lding pc�rmit <br />sub�n�ittal cc�nsistent with th� ak�ove setback ��nd dimensional variances. <br />Th� mc�tion for thc ac�o��iioti �f the �fore;g��ing rc�s�lut�i�n was ciuly scccrndc�d l�y Varia�xce <br />Board Me�mb�;r Cuniungh��m and ��pc�iz vate� b�;in�; t�ken thereon, the follc�win�; vc7te;d in f'avvr: <br />1Vlurphy, Cunnin�ha�m, and C"hair Bo�;nl�zewski, anci nc�ne; vnte� against; <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared ciuly passed and adopted. <br />Page � af�4 <br />
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