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15. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Consultant shall abide with all applicable federal, <br />state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations in the performance of the Work. <br />The Consultant and City, together with their respective agents and employees, agree to abide <br />by the provisions of the Minnesota Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 13, as <br />amended, and Minnesota Rules promulgated pursuant to Chapter 13. Any violation by the <br />Consultant of statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the Work to be performed <br />shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and entitle the City to immediately terminate <br />this Agreement. <br />16. Waiver Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shal] not affect, <br />in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement or either parties ability to enforce <br />a subsequent breach. <br />17.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify <br />and hold the City, and its mayor, council members, officers, agents, employees and representatives <br />harmless from and against all liability, claims, damages, costs, judgments, losses and expenses, <br />including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from any act or <br />omission of the Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and/or subcontractors or any <br />other person or entity for whom the Consultant is legally liable pertaining to the execution, <br />performance or failure to adequately perform the Work and/or its obligations under this Agreement. <br />18.Insurance. <br />A. General Liability. Prior to starting the Work and during the full term of this Agreement, <br />the Consultant shall procure, maintain and pay for such insurance as will protect against <br />claims for bodily injury or death, and for damage to property, including loss of use, which <br />may arise out of operations by the Consultant or by any subcontractar of the Consultant, <br />or by anyone employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may <br />be liable. Such insurance shall include, but not be limited to, minimum coverages and <br />limits of liability specified in this Provision 18 or such greater coverages and amounts as <br />are required by law. EXcept as otherwise stated below, the policies shall name the City as <br />an additional insured for the Work provided under this Agreement and shall provide that the <br />Consultant's coverage shall be primary and noncontributory in the event of a loss. <br />B. The Consultant shall procure and maintain the following minimum insurance coverages <br />and limits of liability with respect to the Work: <br />Warker's Compensation: Statutory Limits Commercial <br />General Liability:$1,000,000 per occurrence <br />$1,000,000 general aggregate <br />$1,000,000 products — completed operations <br />aggregate <br />$5,000 medical <br />Comprehensive Automobile <br />Liability: <br />expense <br />$1,000,000 combined single limit (shall <br />include coverage for all owned, hired and <br />non-owed vehicles. <br />Page 4 <br />