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C. The Commercial General Liability policy(ies) shall be equivalent in coverage to ISO form <br />CG 0001, and shall include the following: <br />(i) Personal injury with Employment Exclusion (if any) deleted; <br />(ii) Broad Form Contractual Liability coverage; and <br />(iii) Broad Form Property Damage coverage, including Completed Operations. <br />D. During the entire term of this Agreement, and for such period of time thereafter as is necessary <br />to provide coverage until all relevant statutes of limitations pertaining to the Work <br />have expired, and as long as coverage is commercially available and reasonably affordable, <br />the Consultant shall procure, maintain and pay for professional liability insurance, <br />satisfactory to the City, which insures the payment of damages for liability arising out of <br />the performance of professional services for the City, in the insured's capacity as the <br />Consultant, if such liability is caused by the negligent acts, errors, and omissions, of <br />the insured or any person ar organization for whom the insured is liable. Said policy shall <br />provide an aggregate limit of at least $2,000,000.00. <br />E. The Consultant shall maintain in effect all insurance coverages required under this Provision <br />18 at Consultant's sole expense and with insurance companies licensed to do business in <br />the state in Minnesota and having a current A.M. Best rating of no less than A-, unless <br />otherwise agreed to by the City in writing. In addition to the requirements stated above, <br />the following applies to the insurance policies required under this Provision: <br />(i) All policies, except the Professional Liability Insurance Policy, shall be written on <br />an "occurrence" form ("claims made" and "modified occurrence" forms are not <br />acceptable); <br />(ii) Al] policies, eXcept the Professiona] Liability Insurance Policy and the Worker's <br />Compensation Policy, shall name "the City of Roseville" as an additional insured; <br />(iii) All policies, eXcept the Professional Liability Insurance Policy and the <br />Worker's Compensation Policy, shall insure the defense and indemnify obligations <br />assumed by Consultant under this Agreement; and <br />(iv) All policies shall contain a provision that coverages afforded thereunder shall not <br />be canceled, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. <br />A copy oi (i) a certification of insurance satisfactory to the City, and (ii) if requested, <br />the Consultant's insurance declaration page, riders and/or endorsements, as applicable, which <br />evidences the compliance with this Paragraph 18, must be filed with the City prior to the start <br />of Consultant's Work. Such documents evidencing insurance shall be in a form acceptable <br />to the City and shall provide satisfactory evidence that the Consultant has complied with all <br />insurance requirements. Renewal certificates shall be provided to the City prior to the <br />expiration date of any of the required policies. The City will not be obligated, however, to <br />review such declaration page, riders, endorsements or certificates or other evidence of <br />insurance, or to advise Consultant of any deficiencies in such documents, and receipt thereof <br />shall not relieve the Consultant from, nor be deemed a waiver of, the City's right to enforce the <br />terms of the Consultant's obligations hereunder. The City reserves the right to eXamine any <br />policy provided for under this Provision 18. <br />Page 5 <br />