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9/28/2015 <br />SRF C It' G I W k T k d P H E t' t <br />Page 5 of 13 <br />onsu ing roup, nc. or as s an erson- our s ima es �� `� � <br />Client: CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Project: TERRACE LANE AT LINCOLN LANE REALIGNMENT, LINCOLN LANE TO <br />SNELLING AVE REALIGNMENT; SIGNAL MODIFICATION AT SNELLING Consulting Group, Inc. <br />AVENUE <br />P14 XXXX <br />TASK N0. TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC. ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF. TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE <br />3.6 Preliminary cost estimate. 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 $688 <br />SRF Deliverables: <br />30% plan. <br />- Right of way exhibits and descriptions (assumes 1 parcel) <br />SUBTOTAL-TASK 3 0 16 46 <br />4.0 FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE (PS&E) <br />Assumptions: <br />- No water main or sanitary sewer relocations will be necessary. <br />Hours stated for plan inclusion of water resources and signals are for <br />coordination only and are in addition to hours stated in related tasks of those <br />designs. <br />Client Deliverables: <br />Written comments on 60% and 90% submittals. <br />4.1 60% Design: Prepare and submit 60% construction plans. 60% plans may not 0 2 0 <br />include ail sections listed under the 90% list below. <br />4.1.1 60% Drainage Design 0 2 10 <br />- Includes the design and coordination to develop the 60% plan set and include <br />the following items: <br />- Perform catch basin spacing analysis and place CBs to meet State Aid criteria on <br />Terrace Ave.and Fairview Ave.. <br />- Perform storm sewer sizing. <br />- Assume no centerline culverts needed. <br />- Complete storm water BMP design including grading and Hydrocad Modeling <br />Verify drainage and construction easements and permanent right- of-way needed <br />for drainage. <br />Plan will inciude: <br />Drainage plan with numbered drainage structures <br />Drainage profile of trunkline <br />Drainage Plan <br />Blank drainage tabulation <br />Drainage Standard Details <br />SWPPP <br />4.2 90% Design 0 5 0 <br />90% Construction Plans will include: <br />- Title Sheet <br />General Layout <br />- Statement of Estimated Quantities <br />SRF CONSULTING GROUP. INC. ENGINEERS AND PI.ANNERS <br />6 <br />10 <br />0 <br />10 <br />100 <br />40 <br />25 <br />20 <br />48 <br />10 <br />10 <br />10 <br />6 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />222 $23,972 <br />62 $6,026 <br />47 $5,016 <br />45 $4,735 <br />LWCOLN-SNELLING 2-Hrly_Tasks.xlsx <br />MINNEAPOLIS. MN <br />