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9/28/2015 <br />SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates <br />Client: CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Project: TERRACE LANE AT LINCOLN LANE REALIGNMENT, LINCOLN LANE TO <br />SNELLING AVE REALIGNMENT; SIGNAL MODIFICATION AT SNELLING <br />AVENUE <br />����� <br />Consulting Group, Inc. <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />P14 XXXX <br />TASK N0. TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL SR. ASSOC. ASSOCIATE SR. PROF PROF. TECHNICAL CLERICAL TOTALS EST. FEE <br />10.0 AS-BUILTS 0 1 0 1 0 12 0 14 $1,913 <br />Assumptions: <br />- As built media is assumed to be one signed plan set on bond paper and pdf <br />format on disc. <br />- Provide design files in CAD format to City. <br />- Cost of Mylar printing is not included. <br />SUBTOTAL-TASK 10 0 1 0 1 0 12 0 14 $1,913 <br />11.0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN - SNELLING AVE/LINCOLN LANE <br />Assumptions: <br />- Assumes a Signal Justification Letter (SJL) and not a full ICE report or SJR will be <br />prepared for the Snelling Avenue/Lincoln Lane intersection since only one lane <br />has geometric impacts. Assume the SJL will have to be approved by both MnDOT <br />and the City. <br />- Assumes no temporary signal system will be required to faciiitate staging and <br />construction of the project. <br />- Assumes signal revisions only to facilitate the changes on Lincoln Lane will be <br />required. <br />Client Deliverables: <br />- Comments on Draft SJRs; comments on draft submittals of signal revision <br />design. <br />11.1 Signal Justification Letter (SJL) - Snelling Ave/Lincoln Lane 1 4 0 0 8 1 1 15 $1,656 <br />11.2 Signal Revision Design (P S& E) - Snelling Ave/Lincoln Lane 2 12 0 0 20 36 0 70 $8,856 <br />SRF Deliverables: <br />SJL; Permanent signal revision plans with details, Division SS special provisions <br />and engineer's estimate to be incorporated into overall project construction <br />documents submittals and final package. <br />SUBTOTAL-TASK 11 3 16 0 0 28 37 1 85 $10,512 <br />TOTALESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS 33 203 125 199 1200 532 36 2328 <br />AVERAGE HOURLY BILLING RATES $190 $143 $118 $90 $86 $140 $66 <br />ESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEAD $6,270 $29,029 $14,750 $17,910 $103,200 $74,480 $2,376 $248,015 <br />ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES $6,894 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE $254,909 <br />LWCOLN-SNELLING 2-Hrly_Tasks.xlsx <br />SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ENGINEERS AND PI.ANNERS MINNEAPOLIS. MN <br />