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Attachment B <br />City of Roseville Schedule A <br />Combined Funds Financial Summary <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $ increase % Incr. <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud�et Bud�et Decrease Decr. <br />General Properry Taxes $ 14,814,570 $ 16,861,590 $ 17,240,162 $ 18,291,902 $ 18,944,720 $ 652,818 3.6% <br />Tax Increments 2,157,987 1,481,124 2,043,476 2,165,000 1,935,000 (230,000) -10.6% <br />Intergovernmental Revenue 2,586,805 2,236,355 2,314,275 3,328,285 3,677,120 348,835 10.5% <br />Licenses &Permits 1,578,695 1,656,385 1,535,194 1,687,610 1,657,000 (30,610) -1.8% <br />Gambling Taxes 74,504 76,272 77,604 60,250 75,000 14,750 24.5% <br />Charges for Services 18,091,178 18,821,600 18,070,551 20,680,225 18,993,080 (1,687,145) -8.2% <br />Fines and Farfeits 313,530 236,510 204,799 240,000 240,000 - 0.0% <br />Cable Franchise Fees 415,385 424,827 448,088 445,000 475,000 30,000 6.7% <br />Rentals - 54,713 - - - - 0.0% <br />Donations 126,963 248,178 142,464 100,500 86,650 (13,850) -13.8% <br />Special Assessments 307,703 178,657 166,932 100,500 151,500 51,000 50.7% <br />Investment Income 343,985 (1,468,575) 995,645 284,300 383,800 99,500 35.0% <br />Miscellaneous 524,252 1,195,264 290,820 223,500 142,500 (81,000) -36.2% <br />Total Revenues $ 41,335,555 $ 42,002,900 $ 43,530,010 $ 47,607,072 $ 46,761,370 $ (845,702) -1.8% <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services <br />Supplies & Materials <br />Other Services & Charges <br />Capital Outlay <br />Debt Service <br />Contingency <br />Total Expenditures <br />$ 15,917,999 <br />1,325,015 <br />14,945,586 <br />3,478,849 <br />2,062,066 <br />600 <br />$ 37,730,115 <br />$ 16,573,900 $ 17,421,791 <br />1,426,550 1,424,309 <br />14,341,546 16,720,927 <br />4,699,899 2,804,576 <br />2,237,472 7,344,686 <br />$ 18,718,960 <br />1,416,930 <br />18,925,830 <br />9,198,570 <br />3,480,000 <br />$ 39,279,368 $ 45,716,289 $ 51,740,290 <br />$ 19,995,715 $ 1,276,755 <br />1,394,950 (21,980) <br />19,038,680 112,850 <br />7,951,275 (1,247,295) <br />3,330,000 (150,000) <br />$ 51,710,620 $ (29,670) <br />6.8% <br />-1.6% <br />0.6% <br />-13.6% <br />-4.3% <br />0.0% <br />-0.1 % <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In / Bond Prem./Proceeds $ 151,511 $ 625,988 $ 1,001,471 $ 1,358,148 $ 1,273,000 $ (85,148) -6.3% <br />Transfers Out (206,382) (75,000) (100,000) (305,000) (402,000) (97,000) 31.8% <br />SaleofAssets 485,642 4,187,224 26,811 - 20,000 20,000 #DIV/0! <br />TotalOtherFinancingSources $ 430,771 $ 4,738,212 $ 928,282 $ 1,053,148 $ 891,000 $ (162,148) -15.4% <br />Net Chg. in Fund Balance / Net Assets 4,036,211 7,461,744 (1,257,997) (3,080,070) <br />Beginning Fund Balance / Net Assets 54,864,727 58,900,938 66,362,682 65,104,685 <br />Ending Fund Balance / Net Assets $ 58,900,938 $ 66,362,682 $ 65,104,685 $ 62,024,615 <br />(4,058,250) <br />62,024,615 <br />$ 57,966,365 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />