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Attachment B <br />City of Roseville Schedule B <br />Tax-Supported Funds Financial Summary <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $ Increase % Incr. <br />Revenues Actual Actual Actual Bud�et Budget Decrease Decr. <br />General Properry Taxes $ 14,814,570 $ 16,861,590 $ 17,240,162 $ 18,291,902 $ 18,944,720 $ 652,818 3.6% <br />Tax Increments - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Intergovernmental Revenue 2,057,565 1,838,001 1,499,182 3,077,285 3,246,120 168,835 5.5% <br />Licenses & Permits 407,297 384,467 396,008 378,500 403,500 25,000 6.6% <br />Gambling Taxes - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Charges for Services 4,253,392 4,564,465 3,398,812 2,523,310 2,634,325 1ll,015 4.4% <br />Fines and Farfeits 313,530 236,510 204,799 240,000 240,000 - 0.0% <br />Cable Franchise Fees - - - - - - 0.0% <br />Rentals - 54,713 - - - - 0.0% <br />Donations 36,446 168,656 63,451 10,500 10,500 - 0.0% <br />Special Assessments 307,703 178,657 166,932 100,500 151,500 51,000 50.7% <br />Investment Income 232,586 (950,779) 224,795 238,300 263,800 25,500 10.7% <br />Miscellaneous 215,715 943,686 198,802 44,500 44,500 - 0.0% <br />Total Revenues $ 22,638,804 $ 24,279,966 $ 23,392,943 $ 24,904,797 $ 25,938,965 $ 1,034,168 4.2% <br />Expenditures <br />Personnel Services <br />Supplies & Materials <br />Other Services & Charges <br />Capital Outlay <br />Debt Service <br />Contingency <br />Total Expenditures <br />$ 12,326,305 <br />1,088,723 <br />3,888,038 <br />2,939,160 <br />2,062,066 <br />600 <br />$ 22,304,892 <br />$ 12,847,104 $ 13,387,069 <br />1,167,563 1,055,596 <br />4,420,482 4,120,675 <br />3,694,631 2,462,077 <br />2,237,472 7,344,686 <br />$ 14,461,760 <br />1,128,800 <br />4,452,210 <br />4,532,570 <br />3,480,000 <br />$ 24,367,253 $ 28,370,103 $ 28,055,340 <br />$ 15,185,090 $ 723,330 <br />1,098,075 (30,725) <br />4,616,700 164,490 <br />4,515,625 (16,945) <br />3,330,000 (150,000) <br />$ 28,745,490 $ 690,150 <br />5.0% <br />-2.7% <br />3.7% <br />-0.4% <br />-4.3% <br />0.0% <br />2.5% <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br />Transfers In / Bond Prem./Proceeds $ 151,511 $ 268,553 $ 1,001,471 $ 1,358,148 $ 1,273,000 $ (85,148) -6.3% <br />Transfers Out (131,382) - - - - - 0.0% <br />SaleofAssets 438,258 4,117,579 26,811 - 20,000 20,000 #DIV/0! <br />TotalOtherFinancingSources $ 458,387 $ 4,386,132 $ 1,028,282 $ 1,358,148 $ 1,293,000 $ (65,148) -4.8% <br />Net Change in Fund Balance <br />Beginning Fund Balance <br />Ending Fund Balance <br />792,299 4,298,845 (3,948,878) (1,792,395) (1,513,525) <br />23,775,662 24,567,961 28,866,806 24,917,928 23,125,533 <br />$ 24,567,961 $ 28,866,806 $ 24,917,928 $ 23,125,533 $ 21,612,008 <br />Page 1 of 13 <br />