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Last modified
10/27/2015 11:18:53 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 11:15:47 AM
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Public Works Commission
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262 for those residents, and could prove beneficial for all if there was ever a repeat of <br />263 that type of situation. <br />264 <br />265 Mr. Culver provided his initial understanding of the coverage if the city were to <br />266 endorse this service in Roseville, with a resident able to pay the premium and get <br />267 coverage within 3 working days. However, Mr. Culver admitted he saw some flaws <br />268 in the program related to coverage and premiums, with no minimum contract; but <br />269 if missing one month's premium, you no longer had coverage. Mr. Culver advised <br />270 that the representative stated they paid 97% of their claims, and the vast majority <br />271 of the 3% of claims not paid were due to those cu,gomers not being current with <br />272 their premiums. Mr. Culver noted there was apparently an option for annual <br />273 payment of premiums that the representative had presented as part of his sales pitch. <br />274 However, Mr. Culver clarified for the benefit of the public that the City is not <br />275 currently endorsing this option, and only researching it as a potentially interesting <br />276 option that may be available. <br />277 <br />278 Acting Chair Wozniak opined that he found it an interestinosal that he had <br />279 not been aware of before. However, on the surface, Membe Wozniak further <br />280 opined that it didn't seem like a good business plan for this firm, andy mitted that <br />281 he had a number of questions to ask of the representative when thattend the <br />282 PWETC meeting. Member Wozniak noted that this coverage didn't apparently <br />283 provide for lateral problems that may affect service on an intermittent basis and <br />284 only paid if a failure occurred. "'011iilllllll <br />285 4� <br />286 Mr. Culvnoted that, apparently if you have a backup or clog consisting of roots, <br />287 the firm uld pay for cleaning out those roots, but clarified the firm was not <br />288 offering coverage for preventative maintenance (e.g. lining services), which may <br />289 cause repeat problems in the future. While not being proactive about lining <br />290 services, Mr. Culver advised t the only time the firm would make a physical <br />291 repair was if a structural isue was found with the line. Since most residents aren't <br />292 aware of the condition of their service lines, Mr. Culver opined that, like any other <br />293 insurance program, the intent was to get as many subscribers as possible for the <br />294 offered coverage. IMM J110 <br />295 <br />296 While recognizing that PWETC Member Cihacek has been strongly advocating that <br />297 the city change its policy and require clean -outs at the property line for sanitary <br />298 sewer lines, from the city's perspective, Mr. Culver that the city would most likely <br />299 not agree or staff recommend that this be done. Mr. Culver advised that on average <br />300 the typical clean-out cost is $1,000; and that staff would most likely recommend <br />301 and advocate that ownership be limited to service lines for sanitary sewer lines, <br />302 even if requiring clean outs due to long-term clean-out scenarios for most properties <br />303 in Roseville. <br />304 <br />305 To clarify, Acting Chair Wozniak stated that staff wouldn't recommend that the <br />306 city change its current approach with the lateral owned by the property owner up to <br />307 the line, even if clean-out is required, just due to the time lag. <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />
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