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Last modified
10/27/2015 11:18:53 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 11:15:47 AM
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Public Works Commission
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33 Discussion included the process for water main bursting; questioning by Member <br />34 Wozniak of what project was creating the digging up of approximately twelve front <br />35 residential lawns along County Road B-2 east between Dale and Western Streets, <br />36 with staff offering to follow-up since it wasn't perceived by staff as a city project <br />37 and thought by staff to be an Xcel Energy project as part of their replacement of <br />38 gas distribution line services; and observation by Member Thurnau of the lack of <br />39 curb & gutter on Victoria Street between the pathway and street on the segment <br />40 closest to Larpenteur Avenue, and concern with the longevity of grass growing in <br />41 this area given the amount of runoff coming down the hill. <br />42 <br />43 Mr. Culver responded specifically to the design of this segment and options <br />44 considered balancing the existing rural section and desire of residents to retain that <br />45 as well as keeping overall costs down for this type of design rather than the higher <br />46 cost for installing storm sewer infrastructure. Mr. Culver advised that in designing <br />47 the segment, a minimum boulevard with adjacent to the path had been challenging, <br />48 noting that vegetation health varies from one area to another. Mr. Culver stated <br />49 that he could not guarantee there would not be issues with that vegetation in the <br />50 future, and it had been seeded versus sodded to en ce that longevity and with all <br />51 factors considered dete - ed to be the best option. <br />52 <br />53 5. Snelling Avenue (A Line us Rapid Transit (BRT) Project Update <br />54 Mr. Culver advised that Metro Transit staff were unable to attend tonight's meeting; <br />55 and therefore h rovide City staff with an update on the Snelling Avenue BRT <br />56 proj ect. <br />57 muillll <br />58 As part of the presentation, Mr. Culver reviewed construction phasing with service <br />59 anticipated by next spring; future provision by Metro Transit or periodic ridership <br />60 and data to the City of Roseville for dissemination to the PWETC and City Council <br />61 by staff, comparisons with other BRT and LRT lines currently in operation taking <br />62 the place of express commuter routes. As this is the first urban environment, Mr. <br />63 Culver noted it would be interesting to see how this compares with traditional bus <br />64 service along Snelling AvenVand with the LRT, since this is anticipated to be a <br />65 more cost-effective option. <br />66 <br />67 Discussion among Commissioners and staff during the presentation included <br />68 location of the Snelling Avenue BRT station at County Road B and its proximity <br />69 of northbound and southbound stops with Har Mar Mall and crossing at those <br />70 signals; continuation of regular bus service along Snelling Avenue (Route 84) and <br />71 routing of connecting bus routes outside the '/z mile radius for regular bus riders to <br />72 access the BRT; availability of and general policy for bike racks on the buses to <br />73 facilitate bike commuters on the route; and how Metro Transit intended to monitor <br />74 and enforce fares on the BRT routes. <br />75 <br />76 Mr. Culver noted that Metro Transit had their own police force and typically <br />77 randomly surveyed riders to ensure compliance with fare payment; with discussion <br />78 ensuing on how fare compliance could be improved to avoid additional expense to <br />Page 2 of 13 <br />
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