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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/19/2015 9:49:16 AM
Creation date
11/19/2015 9:42:10 AM
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Public Works Commission
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79 Public Works Director Culver and City Engineer Jesse Freihammer provided <br />80 additional comments and a brief review and update on projects and maintenance <br />81 activities listed in the staff report dated October 27, 2015. <br />82 <br />83 Discussion included location of lift station replacements; jurisdictional designation <br />84 and maintenance by Metropolitan Council for the gravity -fed sewer system trunk <br />85 lines traversing the City of Roseville servicing Roseville and other metropolitan <br />86 communities; impacts to Villa Park with scheduled Metropolitan Council sewer <br />87 system upgrades; continuing downtrend in participants in this last year for the <br />88 residential curbside leaf pick-up program; and ongoing drop in prices of LED light <br />89 bulbs with fixture replacement and/or retrofit remaining the main cost and <br />90 depending on their type and/or age. <br />91 <br />92 Mr. Culver reported that about fifteen r is had attended the October session <br />93 of Roseville University, focusing on works and engineering departments. <br />94 <br />95 Further discussion ensued regardin Victoria Street project; rational for location <br />96 of the striped parking lane on the nort d side but lack of shoulder and striping <br />97 at the curb line on the southbound s and bicycle traffic would be safely <br />98 accommodated; explanation of erosion -control devices used to dissipate water now <br />99 until vegetation is more established at which tire,„�,,,they'll be removed; and rationale <br />100 for curb and gutter installations of different types along the Victoria Street corridor <br />101 depending on resident feedback and areas with or without well-defined ditches and <br />102 grade sufficient for drainage for rural section road design rather than a more urban <br />103 approach where stormwater nagement requirements needed to be met. <br />104 Additional discussion included par ng on one side along that corridor, with an 8' <br />105 wide shoulder able n the east side. <br />106 <br />107 7heuest of hair tenlundMr. Cu r assured him that staff would monitor <br />108 politan Council's scheduled work next fall on the interceptor line near the <br />109 ub to ensure the City's and the Capitol Region Watershed District's <br />110 investment in drainage management in that area was not negatively impacted. <br />111 <br />112 5. 2016 Utility Rate Proposal <br />113 Chair Stenlund introduced and welcomed Finance Director Chris Miller for the <br />114 PWETC's annual review of proposed the 2016 utility rates based on staff s <br />115 preliminary analysis and before subsequently presenting that information to the <br />116 City Council as part of the 2016 budget process. <br />117 <br />118 Details of Mr. Miller's presentation were provided and referenced by Mr. Miller in <br />119 the staff report and his memorandum both dated October 27, 2015. Mr. Miller <br />120 reviewed each of the enterprise funds and their operational review as part of staff s <br />121 analysis of utility operations including fixed and variable costs, capital replacement <br />122 costs, and customer counts and consumptions patterns, rate structure and rates. <br />123 Overall, Mr. Miller advised that staff anticipated a 1.5% average increase for most <br />124 single-family homeowners, but noted that would vary somewhat based on their <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />
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