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RCA Exhibit A <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject property, located in Planning District 10, has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use <br />Designation of Community Mixed-Use (CMU) and a zoning classification Community Mixed- <br />Use-2 (CMU-2) District. In the CMU-2 zoning district, created and applied to this parcel on <br />October 26, 2015 by City Council Ordinance 1482 and 1483, permits research and development <br />R&D) uses when conducted indoors and allows outdoor R&D activities as conditional uses. <br />The applicant, Calyxt, Inc., intends to develop a corporate headquarters which includes indoor <br />R&D facilities, greenhouses, and up to five acres of outdoor research plots. The conceptual site <br />plan and written description of the proposed agricultural research activities are included with this <br />RPA as Attachment C. <br />REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE <br />REVIEW OF GENERAL CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA: Section 1009.02C of the City Code <br />establishes general standards and criteria for all conditional uses, and the Planning Commission <br />and City Council must find that each proposed conditional use does or can meet these <br />requirements. The general standards are as follows: <br />The proposed use is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan's <br />general goals and policies for mixed-use areas promote redevelopment of this kind of <br />brownfield site as a means toward remediating soil contamination and establishing high- <br />quality employment uses as part of a"rich mix" of uses. The proposal to locate buildings in <br />the southern portion of the site, adjacent to the intersection of Iona Lane and Mount Ridge <br />Road, and to utilize berms and vegetation to mare naturally screen the test plots would <br />largely function as a wide buffer around Langton Lake Park and would advance the goals in <br />the Comprehensive Plan related to minimizing impacts on parks and natural areas in the <br />community. <br />A corporate headquarters office and Ag-Biotech R&D facility as proposed is consistent with <br />the Comprehensive Land Use Plan's specific goals for the Twin Lakes area of Planning <br />District 10 as well, in that it will be high-quality, employment-oriented development. <br />The necessary remediation of contaminated soils will also advance the pertinent goals in the <br />Environmental Protection chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. The proposed use is not in conflict with a Regulating Map or other adopted plan. While full <br />conformance with the Twin Lakes Regulating Plan will be required as the site plan and <br />building design are further developed, Planning Division staff has determined that the <br />proposed location of the test plots to the side and rear of the proposed office and greenhouse <br />structures is not in conflict with the regulating plan. <br />The proposed use is not in conflict with any City Code requirements. The proposed <br />development will need to meet all pertinent regulations, including those related to drainage, <br />environmental impacts, site development, and so on, as the development details are finalized. <br />Based on the proposed, conceptual site plan and operational description, Planning Division <br />staffbelieves that the proposed test plots can easily meet all applicable City Code <br />requirements; moreover, a coND1T1o1vaL [1sE approval can be rescinded if the approved use <br />fails to comply with all applicable Code requirements or any conditions of the approval. <br />4. The proposed use will not create an excessive burden on parks, streets, and other public <br />facilities. While the proposed test plots are adjacent to Langton Lake Park, they will be well <br />PF15-024 RPCA 120215 <br />Pagea�eo�f`�� <br />