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RCA Exhibit A <br />screened and park users are likely to experience them predominantly as something more akin <br />to additional open space around the park than as an active commercial use. For this reason, <br />Planning Division staff does not expect the proposal to intensify any practical impacts on <br />parks, streets, or public infrastructure, particularly when compared to other permitted land <br />uses that could be developed in this location, eXcept for the possible wear if tractor-type <br />implements are allowed to be drive on streets. <br />5. The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood, will not negatively <br />impact traffic or property values, and will not other-wise harm the public health, safety, and <br />general welfare. Given that the proposed outdoor R&D test plots are an extension of the <br />permitted office and indoor R&D use of the site, the test plots themselves should not generate <br />significant traffic. And because the agricultural activities are regulated by a variety of Federal <br />and State agencies, Planning Division staff believes that the proposal will not be injurious to <br />the surrounding neighborhood, will not negatively impact property values, and will not <br />otherwise harm the public health, safety, and general welfare as long as applicable regulations <br />are enforced and reasonable conditions are imposed on an approva] to minimize such <br />negative impacts. <br />REVIEW OF SPECiFIC CONDiTIONAL USE CRITERIA: Given the broad possibilities for R&D <br />activities that might occur outdoors, § 1009.02D of the City Code does not establish standards or <br />criteria specific to outdoor R&D activities. <br />Roseville's Development Review Committee met on February 13, 2014 to discuss this proposal; <br />no special concerns were identified about the proposal. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />At the time this report was prepared, Planning Division staff had not received any <br />communications pertaining to this request. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />By motion, recommend approval of the outdoor agricultural research and development <br />facilities as a conditional use for Calyxt, Inc., based on the comments and findings of this <br />RPCA, subject to the following conditions: <br />The research plots shall be located generally as illustrated in the concept plan reviewed <br />with this application (i.e., the proposed office, laboratory, and greenhouse structures are <br />situated in the southwestern corner of the property and the test plots are located north <br />and/or east of the structures), although approval of the conditional use is not conferring <br />approval of the overall site plan. <br />b. The outdoor research and development activities shall adhere to the environmental <br />regulations established in § 1011.02 of the City Code. <br />c. All aspects of outdoor cultivation and research shall comply with all requirements from <br />pertinent regulating agencies, and industry best management practices should be used <br />whenever practicable. <br />d. Any exterior lights in or near the test plots shall adhere to zoning standards far maximum <br />light levels at property boundaries, even though such standards may focus on illumination <br />of parking and pedestrian areas rather than elsewhere on a site. <br />PF15-024 RPCA 120215 <br />Page 3 of 14 Page 3 of 4 <br />
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