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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
2015 Minutes
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />June 17, 2015 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />She stated the League of Human Rights Commissions entry form is more extensive due to the <br />laws around contacting minors. The Roseville entry form needs to contain this same <br />information. She stated she would forward the League entry form to Commissioner <br />Christiansen. <br />Commissioner Singleton thanked Ms. Bachhuber and Commissioner Christiansen, on behalf of <br />the League, for all of the work they had done putting together the packet. He asked if there had <br />been any changes to the League's policies. <br />Commissioner Christiansen stated there had been no changes made to the League's policies and <br />rules for the essay contest. <br />Commissioner Slade suggested Commissioner Christiansen talk to the classes and promote the <br />essay contest. <br />Ms. Collins stated the League would like to get the essay prompt soon so that it can be <br />distributed to the teachers. <br />Commissioner Singleton clarified the essay prompt the Committee was recommending Roseville <br />submit to the League. He likes that the question is about voting because this is something that <br />will be occurring in the Country and is a relevant Human Right topic. <br />Chair Groff stated if the Commission approves promoting the three (3) page packet and question <br />presented by the Committee it would be presented to the League at their Saturday meeting. <br />Commissioner Singleton asked if there was a recommendation for changing the timeline for the <br />essay contest. <br />Chair Groff stated the Committee would ]ike to have their question and proposal to the League as <br />soon as possible so the League can review it. If it is approved then the League can have this <br />information out to the teachers in August and give them until February to prepare them. <br />Ms. Collins stated this timeline would work for Roseville. They have followed the League's <br />timeline in the past. She would recommend the teachers have the question by the beginning of <br />August so they can look at it in terms of their curriculum. She would agree that a February <br />deadline would provide enough time for the City to review the essays and submit a winner for <br />the State contest. <br />Chair Groff stated if the contest deadline were extended past the Holiday season this would <br />allow for the transition of students from one set of trimester classes to the next set of trimester <br />classes. <br />Commissioner Christiansen suggested a deadline of February 1 in order to allow the Commission <br />enough time to review all of the essays. <br />
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