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a <br />October 7, 1985 <br />Page 2 <br />Water Probl�ns - As mentioned at the Planniriq Co�mission Meeting, Williams <br />Brothers Pipeline Co, lines run through the properties borderin the <br />site on the south, In Januazy 1984, tests were conducted to check for possible <br />ground wat�r contamination at 1349 and 1357 Brooks. As a result of those t�sts, <br />monitoring wells were to be established to ascer�tain the lev�l of contamination <br />and flow of the ground water for possible product recavezy, pnly t�o of the <br />five proposed we11s have been established (one at 1357 Brooks and one along <br />Fi�nline in front of the Fonun A�ts. � Appr�al has been obtaineci to <br />install test wells on the south side of Brooks Avenue at 2491 Hamlin� Avenu� <br />and on the east side of Haml.ine Aver�ue near 1335 Willaw Circle. Hvi�ev�er, as <br />I understand frctn Mr. Trace Mcpe�tr�ott, Project Manager, ��lilliams 8roth�rs <br />Pip�:line Co,, agre�n�nt to plac� an additional w�ll an the property at 2595 <br />has no� been reached. Accorcling to Ms. Patti, Mr. NSeD�zmott's <br />Prcdccessor, the reason the oth�r w�ells were not established or th� water <br />tested was because r�eqotiations with the 2545 Haml.i.rie Avenue property �wner <br />and his attorney were still in Frocess �nd th� pipeline felt it woul.d be be�t <br />to �stablish and test all w+�lls at once. If the gr�nd water �$ c�n��, <br />I�,rould think there is a gr�at likelihoot� fihat fihe soil also is contami.nated, <br />�er�forn, I am concerned about (1) the establishment of an adc�i,tiion�l test <br />well on the prop�,�ty at 25A5 Fiarnl.i,n� Avenu�, (2) t}y� <br />soi? contamination on thi� ro Possible ground water and <br />oE excavation materials whi h c�a�y�eQn�inur�te an�other�sit�.eac�y �,� ��'��°��` <br />problc�n has to t� ar3dress�d and r�solvc�! prie�r to cons�ction. A ground <br />water eont�mvl�tion problc�m in b�aplc��ti+ood by th� s�an� Pip�lin� r�sult�d �n <br />the �xirct�ase of s�veral ms.�d�ntirll propert.i,es by 4-h� Pipe�.in�. <br />�vironm�n�1 CQnc�rns - 1+�uch of hhc prop�rt� pr <br />,i�s in its naturai st�it�. 'Ifi�is serves �s a h�itat £or� gc��se� ducDcs ��� <br />etc. I ar�n concexn�d �t �11 wildli�E� will dis� '���' <br />project i.s aPPzoved. PE�.r if fi�his d�n��.1Y PoP'�l���d <br />t►1arDc�teri as a"Low to l�iid-Incarie" S�iors ltesid�nc@ -���,� �g� that <br />Rosevill� do@s nat have �nrx�gh affordal�le sc�niar housin� to r�t i�s n�ds. <br />t�ver, many P�oPl� pres�er�tly r�siding �t th� �2 exis <br />solid Ros�ville r��idents, sane of which hav� rnsidcd a�� ���� �t�. <br />that I hav� at min�--�,�i11 px forccd out, Man <br />a linu.ted Pi+cer3 incon�. Th�y h�ve stated t��a,t t}Zey�c�nrnotW�E erd�th�l l�w'or� <br />�nd af t.h@ propos�cl d�velop�r's a�aartrnents. �� cievelo�rs ar@ toutitx� <br />�1��@ �.��artr►�nts as �f��r�l�l� Eor �ad to middl� clas� eld�rly citizens witiz <br />rcnts ranqing Eram $625 t,� $1,100. £'c�,r s�nio� citia�ns I t�v� knaw caaald <br />aiford that, If th� pzoject i,s ap�rovcci, P�es�nt residen�s wil� l,i.kcly � <br />"evicrcd" frcm Ros�vill,�. <br />