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POINTE DEVELOPMENT COFZPORATIUN, CASE 1654 <br />A. <br />Ei. <br />C. <br />u, <br />Buildinq Location <br />Page 2 <br />One of the benefits of the revised plan is a significant <br />increase in the setbacks on the residential properties to the <br />south and to the structure. The three story structure was <br />located 76 feet from the south property line in the original <br />proposal. This distance is now increased to 125 feet. On <br />the west, the original structure was located the minimum <br />of 30 feet from the west property line which is the City <br />park. In the new proposal, this distance is increased to <br />155 feet. These distances are sliown as they relate to the <br />old end the new site plan on the second sheet of the <br />applicant's set of drawings. <br />Duildinq Heiqht <br />That portion of the struc¢ure nearest the south property <br />line, which is the back yard of the contiguous residential <br />lots fronting on the north side of Drooks Avenue, is now <br />proposed to be four stories. The height of this structure <br />to the top of the parapet 3s 40 feet as indicated in the <br />section in drawing 3. The revised structure, however, will <br />not have a gabted roof and, ti�us, is relatively closQ to the <br />former height of the thre� story stcucture. The remainder <br />of th� new structure, located approximetoly in the center <br />of the site, is proposed to be six starres high. '�ou will <br />note from the e�xamination of the section on sheet 3 thet <br />being setback f�rther to the north, the line of site from <br />the aingle-family realdence to the aouth is very neerly thet <br />of the four story structure. Due to the signlflcant Incraase <br />to the aetback frar� these reaidences, the visu�l impact of <br />the change woutd a�ppear to be rQlatively rninar. <br />Parkinq <br />The n�w proposal wi;l have Chree more units than the <br />previoua design, there boIng a totel of 215 unl ts cu�rrently <br />praposed. Perking wil! be reduced from 213 spaces to 204. <br />This produces a parking retlo af .95 spaces per dwelling <br />unit. The previous proposa! was �t 1.1 perking s�aces pQr <br />unit. Yo� may recall th�t t�oth of the first two senior <br />ciCizen projecCs in I�os�ville fi�d parking ratios significently <br />1Qss• The experienca of [he Eberiezer people in <br />de�elopments of this type indicate a meximum need of .8 <br />parking apac�s per unit. Ivlost imporCently, there are still <br />X58 parking apaces to be provided in the lower level of the <br />structure. The original proposal contained 160. Though the <br />origir�al structure had a mucli larger foo[prin[, underground <br />parking did not extend tl�rouyhout the entire � structure. We <br />suoqest tf�at the parking ratio proposed is not a problem. <br />�loor Ar�a Ratio <br />The floor area ratiu described in the <br />This means that the ratio of total floor <br />floocs �ut not the parkin J ra�np) �o th� <br />R-3 district is .S. <br />space {countiny nll <br />tc�tal area of the <br />