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POINTE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIUN, CASE 1654 <br />Page 3 <br />land is one-half. In other words, there is twice as much <br />land area as gross floor space. The way the new structure <br />works out, the floor area ratio will be .54. -fhus, a <br />variance is technically needed for the .04 increase in the <br />new design proposal. A floor area ratio maximum is <br />included in most zoning districts so as to prevent over <br />development of the land. Obviously, in this case, there is <br />a great deal of open space provided, including the pond <br />area to the north which will be retained. <br />A meeting was held on Wednesday night, April 2, � <br />dev�!�pers invited the neighbors to review the revisE <br />Creig Weldron, Economic Development Director, was i <br />reports that the meeting went very well, �ttended by <br />families, all but one of whom resided In the <br />contiguous ta the south. <br />t whlch time the <br />d propoeals. Mr. <br />i attendance. He <br />epproximately ten <br />si�gle-family area <br />In summary, It wautd eppeer thet the revised proposal conatitutes an <br />improvement in qu�tity and developebllity of the facility, with a minor <br />cha�ge in perking ratio, a significant increese i� the space between <br />structures and the contiguous properties to the south and west, en <br />Increase in building height mitigated by the greater distances to the <br />single-family ar�e 1 and an insignific�nt chenge in the floar ares ratio. <br />Approval then is requested for a v8rience in the height of the structure <br />to a rnaximum af slx floors, a parking varience to .9S spaces per unit, <br />end a varlance to ftoor area ratio from .50 to .54. Approprlat� <br />condltions might include thet ttie development be �constructed In <br />accordence with plans submitted by the eppiicant and deCed March 5, <br />1986, and aubject to fine! review of enginoecing e�d lendscape details by <br />the sta6f. <br />