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�4r � . <br />� <br />26b0 C <br />rvic �:��`I1'kR �,�r►.�� r��_��:L�rr� ,��s_:.3�i O� � V I � ,.ir;��v���;r:�� :sr; <br />April 17, 1986 <br /> Bruce Goldstein arzd <br />Craig Oberlander <br />5011 Hyatt Mlerchandise Mart <br />1300 Nicollet Mail <br />Minneapol3.s, N�1 55403 <br />Dear Messrs. Goldstein and Ober�.ander: <br />The Roseville City Council, at its Apri�. 14, 1986 meeting, <br />�pprov�d your request far Sp�cial Us� k�e�mit Amenc�anen� and three <br />variances at 2��5 Hamline Avenue. <br />T��e folYowinc� conditions were als� appraved by the Couracil. <br />1. That thez� shall be no driveway and parking t4 the southeast, <br />as riepicted on plans, <br />2a That �ta�f appr�ve �ire, util3.ty, and grading pl�ns. <br />3. '�hat staff �pprove I.andsc�pe plan� whi�h should b� �coordinated <br />with th� neighbo�s concerns. <br />�4. That th� lar�dscape wal�. on Hamline Avenue shall be brick. ; <br />5. Tk�gt �idewalks shall be c�nstruc��d on Hamlin�. <br />6. That no exhaust or mechani�al sXstems shall be pl�c�d on the <br />�outh�rn sic�� of th� �ar��l. Any sy�tcm� placed on the r�of <br />sh�11 b� scr�ened. . <br />7, �k�$t the pond aroa shall be d�dicated to the City. <br />8. That th� approval is p�x nlans submitt�d March S, 29$6. <br />With warm�st regards, <br />. � /�� <br />�� <br />� �, ��%�� ���r� <br />Craig A. aldron <br />Directoz of Economic D�vel,opm�nt <br />