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FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />This First Amendment to Devel�pment Agzeem�nt, dated <br />as of 1986, by and between the City o� <br />Roseville, Minneso�a, armunicipal co�poration organized and <br />existing under the laws of the State af Minnesota, called <br />her�in the "City" and Rosepointe ��using I Limit�d Partn�r <br />a Minnesota limited partn�rship �er�in calle� the "Deve�o erip, <br />P . <br />WITNESSETH <br />�HEREAS, the City and the peveloPer have ent�red into <br />a D�velopment Agreement dated D�cember 16, 1985 (thQ "D�v�lo m�n <br />Agreem��t"); and p t <br />WHEREAS, THE City and �he ��velop�r desire to amend <br />Section 3.5 of the D�velopment Aggeement; <br />NOW� THERErORE, the parties h�reby amend the Devc�lopme�t <br />Agreement and here�o a5free as t�llow�; <br />�Tz cL� � <br />Section 3.5 Af the Devel.opm�nt Aqreement is hereby ��endc�� <br />bY deleting Sectxon 3. � anc� substitutinc� tt�erefar th� Eallow' • <br />ing. <br />S�ction 3.5. Provision of O�Ef-Site Im r�vements. A� <br />consideration For the exec���ion o� this Agreem�nt and <br />construct�.on of the hlinimum Improvem�nts t�y th� d@veloper, <br />the Developer agx�es to prepar� pl�n�, �t��r eonsultation <br />with the City, �nd undertak� the con;�+�ruction o� �n� ond <br />and overflow drainage public improv��rnents loc€�ted arithin <br />the Dev�lopment District but oFf th� Dev�lopment �ropert <br />(the "Off -Site Improvements"). The City shall inspecr th� <br />completeci work ��s thE construction of th� OEt--Si+�� �mpr�u�m@nts <br />progresses. The City shall reimburse fihe Developer f Qr t�c <br />enqine�ring and constructi.on costs oi' tr,e QF�_Sit,,� Im�reve��nts <br />in an amour�fi not to exceed �50,000 uPon, <br />the 4fF-Sit` Tmprov�m�nts and (ii) rec�i�tlbycth�l�itYnp�f <br />paid b�lls indicating the actual out-o£-pocket expen�� incuxred <br />by thc Developer. In the even� t}�at thcre is any of the <br />$50,000 remaining after th� reim}�urs@ment o� such cns�s of <br />the OfF-Site Improvements, the City will consider usin such <br />bal�nce towards adclitional improvem�nts rela�ed to thEgMinimu <br />Improvements. The City shall lzave no oblig�tiQn to inc4�� m <br />expenses and exp�nd morc than $50, <br />or such other improvements as the Ci�y�d�Qn 5@a�f �-Site lmprovemer�ts <br />Ppropriate. <br />