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ARTICLE II <br />The Development Agreement as amended by this First Amendment <br />to Development Agreement is in all respects ratified and <br />conf irmed; and the Development Agreement and First Amendment <br />to Development Agreement shall be read, taken and construed <br />as one and the same instrument. <br />This First �4mendment to Developm�nt Agreement may be <br />simultaneousl� executed in several counterparts, each of <br />w�ich shall be an oxiginaY and all of which shall constitute <br />but one and the same ins�rument. <br />IN WITNESS WHE�EOF, th� CYty and �he Dev�loper have <br />c$used th�� Fir�t Amendment �o Development Agr�ement to be <br />exec�ted in their re�pective corporate seal� to be hereun�o <br />affixed and at�ested b� their duly authoriz�d o�ficers, all <br />�s of the d�te first above written. <br />�SEALi <br />CITY OF �OSEV'�L�E, MINNESO�A <br />�y <br />��tmy�x <br />H� <br />C ty� Ma�€�g�tr <br />