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" SPECIAZ, CONDITION� OF NATIONWIDE PERMITS <br />i1) That the diseharge will not be located in the proximitq of a�ublic <br />water eupply intake; <br />i2) That the discharge will not d�stroy or,jeopardize a threatened or <br />endangered speciee ag identified under the Endangered Specie� Act� or destroy <br />or adversely modify the critical habitat of euch epecies. In the case of <br />Federal agencies, it ie the agency's responsibility to revie� its activities <br />to determine if the action "may affect" any listed speciea or criticel habitat. <br />I£ so, the Federal agency muet cansult with the Fieh and Wildlife Service <br />aad/or the National Marine Fisheries Servi.ce; <br />i3) That the discharge will consiat of suitable materiel free from toxic <br />pollutanCs in toxic amounte; <br />i4) That the fill created by the diecharge vill be properly maintained <br />to pr�vent erosion and other non—point sourcea of pollution; <br />(S) That the discherge will not occur in a compoaent of the National <br />Wild aud Scenic Riv�r System. <br />�6) The activity vill not •ignificantly dierupt the movement of th�se <br />epeciee of aquatic life indigenous ro the vaterbody {unless tbe primary ur o8e <br />of the fill ie to impound vater). P P . <br />. ' <br />(7) Any atructurt or fill aut6orized vill be properly maintaiaed. <br />i8) The activity, if it i�nvolyes a etructure� will not cauae ac <br />unncceptnble interference virh anviggtion. <br />T�ES� �N��EHENT PBAC'rICES SHODI,D BE FOLL04tED <br />TO NIHINY,ZE �pERSE �FFECTS ON THE AQDATIC ENpIRpHMgN'r <br />i1) Di�ch�rge� of dredged or fill material into vatera of the IInited Stat <br />•hell be avoided or minim:xed through the na� of prectical alternatives; te <br />(2) Di�chargee in spavning areae during epawning seseone ahall be avoided• <br />� <br />i3) DieCharge� •hall not re�trict or impede the movemeot of equatic <br />•pecies indigeoou• to the vatera or the <br />flovs oz ceuo� tbe rElocatien of Che uat r i ol es the erimar �pected high <br />f ill is Lo impound WaCere); P y Purpoee of the <br />(k) If the� diecharge creaCea an impoundment of veter� adverse impacte �n <br />Che aquaCic myetqm saueed bp the accelerated passege of water and/or the <br />reetriction of ite f,�ov� shell be �inimized; <br />i5) Diacharge in vetlends areao ehall be avoided; <br />ibi Heavy equipment vorkiag in wetlaads shall be placed on mats; <br />�7) aiechargea into breediag areae for c�igratory waterfowl �hall be avoided� <br />, <br />i6) hll t�mporary fills ah�ll be xemoved in their entirety. <br />Pleaee see �everee side. <br />