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MINNiSOTA <br />Authorization for the following activitiea� including discharges of dredged <br />or fill n aterial, ia hereby permitted provided the notification procedures� of <br />Section 330.7 a>t met. (See Inclo�ure 2.) <br />330.5(a)(26) -- Discharges of dredged or fill material into the vaters listed in <br />paragraphs (a)(26)(i) and (ii) of this section except those vhich cause the lose <br />or 4ubstaatial. adverse modificaCion of 10 acres nr more of waters of tl�e IInited <br />States, including vetlands. For diachargee which ceuse the l4ae or substantial <br />adverse modification of 1 to 10 acres of such vatere, including wetlands� notifi— <br />cation of the dietrict engineer ie required in accordance vith Section 330.7. <br />ii) Non—tidal rivers� �treame, and their lakes and ispouadments, <br />including adjacent vetlands� that ar* located above the headvattre. <br />(ix) Other aon-tidal vater� of tbe IIn�ted State�, including adjacent <br />vetland�c. that are aot psrt of a surface tributary a�stem co <br />interat�te vatere or navig:ble vatera of tbe Oni.ted Statee <br />(i.e.� isolated vaters). <br />u <br />iIICl 1 <br />Please �ee reverse eide. <br />