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S� <br />� <br />Pbir� �er�lopm�nt �r�+�ratian <br />Septemb�r 25, 1986 <br />Mr. Craig Waldron <br />Director of Economic <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Development <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, [�] 55113 <br />RE: RosePointe i�irst Addition <br />Dear Craig: <br />I understand �rom your meeting with our representatives on Septe�nber <br />23rd that will. not be required to obtain a building pernut. <br />Hawever, our. financing still reqiiires the �ivision of the property <br />to coincide with tt�e phases of construction. Therefore, I am <br />enclosing herewith our application for platting. Please note r.hat <br />application includes requ�sts for side yard set back variances <br />originally request��d by Mr. Dahlgren in our meeting of Septerc�er <br />17th. HapeL•ully, the verification this w�elc oE Rose'Pointe's stAtus <br />as a P.U.D. will preclude the n�d for these variances. Since <br />HaJard is out of tc�►m until next w+�ek, I cannot determine this for <br />certain. <br />In our initial. review with Mr. Dahlgren, he raised c�oncerns over the <br />gap of land lying along our westerly boundary which seems to be of <br /> vwnership. This letter should servp as our agre�nent to <br />cocm�ence nec�ssary legal proceedings to acquire full title �o thF►t <br />gap. However, given the time requir+�nents of such �arocc-�dings, it <br />will be virtually impossible for us to cro�lete this Prior to Einal <br />apQrovai of the plat. <br />I� there is any possibility that this plat could receive preliminary <br />and final apProval at the sam� meetinvs, it would be extrc�m�ly <br />helpful to our ti�r,e eonstraints. The f. inal plat has been drawn anci <br />c�ould be Eorwarded to the city inmeclit�tely if this request is <br />feasable. <br />Thank you again tor your assistance in the R�sePointe project. We <br />look £orward to w�orking wi�.h you on wh�t we expect t� be a truly <br />fine addition to the City of Rose�vilie. <br />5011 Hyatt Merchandise Mart/1300 Nicollet MaIl/Minneapolis, MN 55403/Telephone 612/375-1818 <br />Tc:lec'c�jar:r 612; 3; S ►N7N <br />