<br />t
<br />1'
<br />�
<br />The ��'est 25a 5�eet of the �ast 183 fe�t of the South 183
<br />feet of the Northea�� � of Sec. 15, Townshi� 29 Rall e
<br />, g 23.
<br />n- X Sunray OiI Coin�an�
<br />(Delaware corporation}
<br />Ti�E ST. PAUL ABSTRAC� AND TITI� GUARANTEE COP�iPANY does hereb cea•ti�
<br />that from an examination of the re�ords in tile off ice oi' y y
<br />oi Deeds and/ar R,egistrar o� Titles, in and for tlie Countytlfli'Rz��znse�r
<br />and State ot ��innesota, it appears that the apparen� own �
<br />of ;he property witllin a rad:ius of 250 £eet n� tlie abov er or owners
<br />w��ich is to be rezoned are as i'ollo�vs : e proj�er�y
<br />The E. 149.5 feet o:f t;�ie ,. �93 �eet o� -the E.
<br />2� acres of the S, 5 acres of the �,� og th� S,25o�35 leet of the �,
<br />of Sec. 15, T.29, R.2�3, su�ject to r�.�hts of th� publi�C in roadsE�
<br />Apparent record ow�Er: Th�odore Rho�es.
<br />2��. ��e Wa 50 l'ee� o� the E. 199.5 reet of �he S. 193 feet o� the E
<br />�acres of the S. 5 acres of th�e �ast � of the 5outh � � 2�
<br />of tile Northeast � ox Sec. 15, T. 29, R. 23 - �°� tl�e Southe�.st �
<br />, Apparent record otvner : D-- X Sunray Oil Com an
<br />�.r: (Delaware corporata.on) . p Y�
<br />'�3 C�xe East 256.35 feet of � t � _.
<br />�� the East � ol the Soutla � lof�the Southeas��� �he South 5 acres of
<br />� �- r � o�' ttie North�ast t Qf
<br />y���' S�c. 1�, rownsliip 2J, Ran�;e 23, except tre East 1J9. 5 f�et o �
<br />; �1 Sou�h aJ3 �'e�t �thereof . Subj �ct to the xigh�s of �he ���1e
<br />pP rent record ovrner: Rober�s Construc�ion, xn�, pub�"�"� in I'oads -
<br />(�Iinn. corporati.on) .
<br />✓
<br />4 . 7Ci�� Ea,st 2� acres o� the Sout11 5 acres of' -th� ��,s 1
<br />�
<br />a:E �he Southeast � o�' the Northeast � o� Secta.on 15� �� t�e South �
<br />���� ��``�'�,,, Rang� 23, excep� the ��a,st 256.35 feet thereof � Township 29,
<br />.1, G,,.�''"� Avenue - , sub,�ec� to Roselaw� .
<br />Apparerat recorci owner : Leo J. Houck & Clara I�ouck hi�
<br />(as joint tenants) . : wife,
<br />5 The ����est 2 acres of the South 5 acres of the South �
<br />aoutheast � of the Northeas� � east � of the
<br />Except the J�ast 160 feet �;hereo�Section 15, ToWl�ahip 29, Range,
<br />, Apparent record owner: Leo J. Houck & Clara Houck, hz� wi�e
<br />(as joint tenants) . , _ '
<br />�
<br />6
<br />��
<br />�c,�t•��'"�'��''
<br />1��' �,�-''��:
<br />�
<br />��
<br />The East �.00 feet of �rhe �d'est 2� acres o� the South
<br />E•� of the So � of South�as� � of �he Nor�heast � of
<br />To�wn�hi,� 29, Range 23, suk�jec� to Poselawn r�venue -
<br />Apparent reco�d owner; Richar� J, Houck & Alary
<br />his wi�e (as ,�oint tenant�) .
<br />5 acres of
<br />S�ction 15,
<br />Ann Houck,
<br />�he
<br />That ,part o� the South 2�� acres oi the Nort�i 5 acres oi' t�l
<br />of the South � oi the Southeast � o� th� IvTor�heast s o f e��st �
<br />Townsh�,� 29, Range 23, lying South o� �, line described asec�ion 1�,
<br />Beginna.ng at a point o�i �lie East line of above d�scribed ������vs:
<br />feet Sou�h oi' the Northeas-� corner -�tlereo-� tract S7; 45
<br />North line thereof a�listanc� �f 193.08 fe�t�httlence �Norphrandel wi�ia
<br />para�.lel to the East line o� said �ract to a point 70.00 �
<br />at right angles �o the N, line thereof, a distance oi' 17.4e��eetuth
<br />�hence YYest &�arallel to �he N. la.ne �o a point on -�h� ��'. line of
<br />said trac� which is 70.Oa feet South oi' the ,Nort�lwes-� co�rier thereo�
<br />a distance oi 466.14 feet. ,
<br />Apparen� record owner ; Laura Boss & Edwarcl .E. Boss, her llusbanci
<br />(as joint tenants) .
<br />