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!� <br />f � That part o� t�ne South 2� ac�es oi the North 5 acres of the East � <br />� �� <br />of the South � o� tt�e Soatheast � of t�AelinetdEscribed�astfollows: <br />th of <br />\q�� To�+nship 29, Range 23, lybng Nor <br />Begi�ning at a point on the East line of above described tract <br />$7d 45 feet �outll of the Northeast corn�r stance�oft193c08Wfee�and <br />para�l�l wi�h the North line tlierec�f a di <br />th�nce N�r�h and parallel to tlze �ast lillorth line tllereof� a p��n� <br />?0.,00 feet South a�t right angles to the N <br />distance of 17.45 feet, th�nce `��est a.nd pa�rallel to the North line <br />to a point on the �est line o� said tract w�iich is 70.00 feet South <br />af th� Nor�hwest corner ther�e���estd150dfeet�of4the�Plortht70 f�et <br />;� Except the �ast 75 feet of t <br />thei°�of - <br />Apparent record own�r: E�nxer Fred Bartsch & Elna Hermina Bartsch, <br />� hu�sband� & wife (as ,�oint tenants) . <br />'� � All that part of �he South -� of the SW� o:� N��'� of Se�;tion 14, <br />9 �,,,,x <br />�'�" : T�wnship 29, Range 23, ly�ng �ast oi: Lexington Ave. mor� particular y <br />o�� � described as : B��;inni:�g at a poa.nt on the Easterly line o� I�exington <br />� Ave. where center line of said Section intersects said line, �tllence <br />Northerly alon� �a:�terl.y line of Lex�n�ton Ave. 328.37 feeti �3���24 <br />Easterly at an ar��;�e o� 88° 4?' 6�1. �� feet, thence Souther y <br />621 4 feet East o�C point <br />�eet to a poin�t on center la.n�621.4afeEtetcae �oint of beginning - <br />� o� beginnin�, thence 3�'esterly <br />Except the 5outh 183 feet Q� �a���'� JSt1;�haoeye&tHarriet�N. �'ahaley, <br />Appareni record owner: F <br />husband & wife (as ,� oi.nt tenants) . <br />✓ ': <br />lp �� The �outh 131.99 �'ee� <br />'.; �ee� o� the ��Yest �� of <br />W� , Town�k1ip 29, R,an�e 23, <br />��� '� ' i;hereof , sub,� ect to an <br />;� <br />�,.,,,� :� ro�d purpo�es. <br />p.� �pp�,rant record ow�er : C�.ar�nce hI. <br />� <br />hust�and and wi.�e (as �oint tenants) . <br />'✓ll 'Th� South 183 feet o� <br />��,�o� the Sau�th�west � o� <br />`�� '�o�vnsha�.p 29, Ra�1ge 23, <br /><`���a Coun�Gy Raad A2 - <br />of the North 263.98 feet of the �Yest 360.18 <br />the Northwest � oi the �outhwe�t � o� Sec. 14, <br />exc�pt the N. 50 feet of the Eas� 150 feet <br />easement on th� Easterly 30 feet �tl:iereof for <br />I�at�� & C;1.eo L. I�atl�, <br />the �lest 150 �eet o� that part oi the Sou�th Z <br />tlie Southwest ;� o:� the Noxtt�west � of S�ction 14, <br />lying East o:� Lexington Avenue, subject to <br />. ��'',� A, axent record own�r: �s'illiam Stay Gilfillan & Elizabeth <br />I Louise Gilfilian, husband & wi�e. <br />#2 =; <br />;� <br />3'. <br />The ���s�t 186 feet o:� the North 131.99 feet oi t�e Northwest � o� the <br />Northw�:st � of �the SouthwEst � a� Section 140 ��en��pa�S29, Range 23, <br />subject to the rig�o vner : t�l�larence Prin Kaah�and Cleo L. Kai�h, <br />Apparen� record <br />h�usUand and tivi�e (as joint tenan�;s) . <br />B�ginna.n� at th� in.tersection o� the South line o�: �taselawn Ave. <br />and t�le ��est l.ine oi U. S. Highway #�-�, thence �outherly along the ��est <br /> of saxd U. S. X�ighway #10 a distance o:f 150 :Eeet to a point, thence <br />Y�' 1y at a rigl�t ang].e a distance oi 56 feel0�a distance of�l8efeetyto <br />parallel to the West 1ine of U.S.Highway # <br />a point, thenee i�esterly at �. right a�el�i'e��dlinenof Uf S6Hz�hvay�#10 <br />goint, thence �Tortherly �a�. allel to t <br />1;o a pa�nt along the S. line of �,osela��n Aven�ae, thence �' ly along <br />th� Scauth line of Roselawn ��ve. to �oin�; of beg�nning, all beir�� <br />part of the North � of trle �ast �2 acres o� the North z of the <br />15 Townshi.p 29, Range 2� - <br />Northeast � o:� tile Soutll�ast � of Sec. , <br />Appax�ent record owner: She�.don �. 5mith Investment, inc., <br />(Minn. corporation). <br />