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� <br />� <br />R03€�fILL,E AREA SCHOOLS <br />INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 623 <br />LLOYD C. 131ELSEN <br />Sup��i�nd�� <br />OFFICE: 126i Hl6HWAY �6, �T. PAUL, MINNESOTA �li! <br />TELEPHONE: 633-i275 <br />April 3, 1968 <br />To Me�bers of the Plannin� CoIIanission of the Villaf�e of Roseville <br />6eoae� �. s�e�e6, �n�r.�,,o <br />I�RS. HARRIEI' 6. .lOROAN, Cl�rk <br />DR. MORRIS E. NICHt)��N, Troasursr <br />HOWARD E W�iLjN, Tru�}�p <br />JOHN H. T. PUUND, Tnrsts� <br />CORTLAND BLOMSTRAND, TrustN <br />Early last fall School District 623 contracted with th� Bureau of Field Studies of the <br />University �f Minnesota to comduct a survey o� enrollment projections for the nex� 10 qears <br />a�d of the adequ��c� of p��sent school buildings and sites. T�e preliminary r�eporlt receiv�d <br />from the Bureau this winter has projected an increase of 1100 more senior high sttident� in <br />the Iii�trict t�aa at the presen� time. <br />It �,s the inte�t of the School District to acquire l�nd adjacent to the present L��o senior <br />high schools, Frank B. Rel�.ogg and Alexander Ramsey, as part �f the solution to p�roviciing <br />an adeQuate ede�cational pragram for senior high stude�nts in th�: years aheaa. The purchLse <br />agreemeqt has been siga�ed for a parcel adjacent to Kellogg and initial steps takei� toward <br />acquisition of the property under coasideration this evening next ro Ramsey. <br />Ttie existing site of less �han 36 acres at the Alexander R,�msey High School, immedia�ely <br />adjacent to the property u�der consideration, is placing li.mitation�v, on the present school <br />program. The Guide for School Plant Plannint�: 1966, of the Departm�nt of Educ�tion of the <br />State of Minnesota, recommends a site size of 40-50 acres for senior high schools. <br />�hould this propeYtp be reaoned as proposed the additional cost of it for the <br />purpose of pub7.ic �ducatioa to the taxpayers of the Village of Roseville a�ad to thAse <br />throughout School Disfir3ct 623 �rould be substantial. <br />The rezoning from R-1 to R-3A and issuance of a special use permit for building over 24 uni�s <br />and three stories i.n height at agproxi.mately 2355 North Lexington Avenuel would therefore b�e <br />contrary to the public intereat. <br />�iie official� of Scliool Districx 623 therefore urge the members of the Planning Co�ission <br />at�d of the Viliage CotwaiZ of Rosevi? le to deny the request for rezaaing of this property <br />atad the xeques� for issuance of a special use permit. <br />_ O /,/ i� <br />1. �,..egal Descriptian: <br />; The �outh 150 feet of �the East 264 feet <br />af the North 1/4 of the N�; 1�4 of the SE 1/4 <br />� of Se�ctic�n 10, Town 29 North, Range 23 West, <br />Itamsey Co�ty, Minaeso�a; and the North 45 <br />feet of the Sou�h 195 feet of the East 17R <br />teet of the North 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the <br />Sg 1/4 of 5aid Sec�ion 1Q; and the East <br />- 26�€ feet of that par� of �he Sfluth 3/4 of <br />the' NS 1/4 af the ��SE 1/4 of sai.d Section <br />10 I�ing Northerly of iYeank �iighway 36. <br />'gg <br />�,'-r . � � <br />G�brge E. Sesberg, Chairman <br />Board of Education <br />. � <br />Lloyd C i�lsen, S eri.ntendent <br />