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M�`3'tt� � PU�LIC It�ltRit�� <br />�o t�ar� t�r w�x caorc.��rr: <br />�� <br />J <br />�btiae i: t�raby given th�t tha Pia�n�.cag� Goo�isslt� of tt,s ViilaRe <br />of t�o�wiilo, �7�1 North I.exin�tan Arrun�, Roserille� t�lnn�sota, Mfil <br />�ott at �a30► P�►i� � 1le��diy� f��h 6, 29d8� ot tho Yii��� Ilall to <br />�sids�r ti�� f�,Zl�rrin� �rsc�e��t: <br />Rrst�i•.i� fron R-�1 to R•3 A aeid �g�scia� �►e petsiL fog <br />�uild'.n� o�ss a.�1 uaits and �fi� stas�es in he3ght fc>r <br />�300 s+b�t..!a 1.vziaxtan Avv��ue� � la�ai ir c�arcribed ss fo� lo+rs : <br />48GAL II�S�IP'!'tf�+i : <br />'I�Sat pa� of tt�s East 264 Fe�t of tbe North 1/4 of �ho Nort'Isesst <br />3/4 0� �b� Southeast 1/4 0� S�ction �0, To�m 29 North, Ran�e 23 <br />ilest, ii�v�or Cou�►tr, Mfnne .�axc�pt tbs Soutb 150 fee� snd e�xcapt <br />t� 8ss � 1 T8 fi� t tharso f. Sub j e�c t to C✓r�� ty� Rosd B- 2. <br />7l�e ��t 17� le�t of th� Notth 1 J4 oi ths Nor�tl�r�st 1 j4 of the <br />Sou�tha�t� 1 J� of 5�ctian IO �'tb+m 29 NarRl� � R�tnqe Z3 �h►s �a Ra�+sey <br />Cou�t�►, �taa.,, �rxcspt �ha south i�s l�aes th�eof. sub3sct to <br />CautL/ koad B-1 sad l.eadn� A�a o <br />'Tlrt s�oat�& 150 fi�t af t�+ East ZErA feet ot' t3�!s North 1 j4 0� ths <br />- �;:lrssst 1/4 of ch� Sontheast 1/4 of Ssctia►� I0, Tam 29 Norti�, <br />tb.+�aa 23 ��st� Rs�t�r County, Mia�aa. ; and th� North 45 �t of tha <br />" �r�nth i9�5 fi�t of th� Rnst 178 feo�c �f tJye No�r� i,/4 of ths I�stheast <br />�,; i/4 0! tbe S�ut.�ewt 1!4 of u3d 5octioaY lt?. <br />....�.. <br />� <br />A,�+A d�! <br />