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�".�--^". � � <br />� <br />r � <br />• • <br />TM� �'est 60 feet of the �ast 240 feet of the N. 1/3 of I�f� of NE� of S�� <br />of Sec. 12� '�.29, R.23. Subject to SS corner of County Road B-2 <br />and Cohansey St . � 1 � � �,�a,�_- �:� �c.�-,��% <br />4• <br />Apparent record owner: Robert B. Salls and Di.anne F�. Salls, hu�baad <br />an�i wife, ,�oint te:�ancy clause. <br />The ST. PAUL ABSTRAC'P AND TIT1.S IiUARANTFT CO�L�ANY daes hereby certi�y <br />that from an examination of the r�cords in tne office of th� Ro�i�ter <br />of Deeds a�zd/or Re�istrar of Titles, in and for the County of Ra�tgep <br />and State of M�nnesot�., it a�pears that the apparent owner or owners <br />of the prop+�rty within a radius of 250 feet of the above property <br />whi�ch is �o be rezoneci ar� as follows : <br />1. The W» 132 feet oi the E. 264 feet of the �. 330 feet of the �V� <br />of the ST� of the NW� oi Sec. 12, T. 29, R. 23. � S� �� ��.i'f^ ��.- <br />, ! cr�: <br />Appar�nt r�scord Uwners: Raymond Tauer and Catherine E. J�acobsen -- <br />2. �eginning at a point 653.295 feet W. �nd 33.0 feet N. oi the center <br />oi Sec. 12, T.29, 8.23, on the N� rig;ht of way line of County Road <br />B-2, thence Narth along the N. and S. ce�ter line of t��e ST� of the <br />I�Y� of Sec. 12, N., a distance of 330.0 feet, thence W. parallel with <br />the N. right of v�ay line Qf CountY Road B-2 a c�ista.nce of 132.0 <br />feet, �hsr�ce S. par�llel with the 8. line a ciistance of 330.0 feet <br />thence �S. a�ong the N. sight of way line of County Road B-2 a ciis- <br />tance of 132.0 feet to tl�e point of l� �.11 being in the SE� <br />Of N�Vi� of S eC . 12' T. 29 � R. . 23 . r��` '�--- <br />� �' � � , � �` �� <br />Apparen� recard owners: Leonard J. �uri��t �nd Caroline R. Burket, his <br />wifeL joint �enancy cYause. <br />3. N. 2 acres of W� of N8� oi NT� of SW� of Sec. 12, T. 2�. .� <br />�'3 I,�.' � � �'.r.� � • <br />Apparent��ecord owners: Te�r� E. Damsgard and�Lillian Damsgard, <br />and wi�e, joint tenancy clause. <br />husb�nd� <br />4. The E. �0 feet of the N. 1/3 of the NW} o� �he NE� of the SW� _ <br />of Sec. ��, T.29, R.23, �xclusive o� the Nly �3 f.e�t being used -for _ <br />Count�• Ro�tc1 B� 2. /� �; <br />� � � � � � �` �� �~ <br />Apparen� r�c��c� owners: Donald G. �urst and Jane T. �Vurst, husband <br />and wife, joint tenanc:y clause. <br />5. �. 60 f eet �� ��,� E. 120 f eet of N. 1/3 of the NPI� of NE� of the <br />SW� of 3ec. 12, �. �.�� R. 23, containing 26/100 acres exclusive -`of the Nly <br />33 foot strip being used f�,�� County Road B-�. <br />�� u� � � �� � � <br />1�pparent re�ord owners: John S. Sweeney an� Juliet D. Sweeney, <br />husband and wife� joint tenancy clause. <br />�� �e �� 60r feet oF the T. 180 feet o� the N. 1/3 oi the NW� of the <br />�T�� ;,i�� �he SW� of Sec. 3.?, T. 29, R. 23, exclusive of the hTly 33 feet <br />s t r ip' us ed f or Cou n t y Road B-- 2. 3��,. ��� fo��'f" ��,,,,,�,. - <br />Appar�nf xecord owners: Joseph P. �ontaine and Janice i,. Fontaine, ' <br />husband and wif e, jaint tenancq clause.: <br />7. The N. 1/3 of the Nt�i� oi the NT� oi the S�T� , Sec. 12, T.29, <br />R.23, except the W. 300 �eet the�eof a�d except the E. 300 feet <br />thereoi . �. � � � , � f� �,� � . <br />� <br />Apparent record oa►ners: Donald T. Warn and JoAnn �, Warn, husband <br />aad wif�, jo�n� tenancy clausP. <br />