<br />�
<br />�
<br />.
<br />. •
<br />8. The S� 104 f eet of a st�ip of land being 2a0 feet wide in a
<br />North-Soutb dir�ctioa and 240 feet 1enN.�i�3gof•th@ N�� Qi�thenN��o
<br />the S. line of Lhe S. 240 feet of th
<br />55 acres,
<br />of the S�T� of S�c. 12, T. 29 N. , R. 23 �'`' �'� ���nin 4.� � J
<br />L Juen and T1Aen S. Juan,�sband
<br />� Appareat r�cord a�n�rS: Joseph .
<br />and wife, ,jaint tenancy cla�s�.
<br />�� 9. The 8. 60 f�et o� the w. 240 f eet �nd I's. 60 f e�t of �9. 300 f 23t
<br />;�
<br />o� t�.e N. 1,�'� of the Nti�'� of NS� of SiP� of Sec. 12, T. 29 N. , .
<br />�� �. , ex�ePt I�. 33 ieet bei ng useci for Coun�y�eRo�a�d o f2thedN��eof .�he
<br />1/3 of �
<br />'; ,feet of the W. 180 fe�t oR• t23 �: � exclusive of County �toad �-2 •
<br />' S�� of Sec. 12, T.29 N., �
<br />Appa�ren� �ecord owner: Blandina C,
<br />Drake. °
<br />Block 2 and Lots 1 and �, Block 3,
<br />� 14. Lc�t 1, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2, ;,� f; ��
<br />�Iulan.na Heights. �� �..�� �i���"`�"� .
<br />s: Julius Loipersbeck and Anna �oip�rsbeck,
<br />� Apparent record owner husband and. wif e.
<br />B1Qck 3, R�seville HiZls No. 2, except a triangular tract
<br />11. Lat 5, �1 0� tt.e foilo�ing c�escribed line and including
<br />of said Lot 5 1yia�g Y
<br />a triangular tract c�f Lot 6 in said d�sc�ribedln�non thedtt���line�o�
<br />d,escribed line being a 1in� �e�inning at a po
<br />s
<br />aid I,ut � distant 12.0 feet S. of the N�1 corn�rline5ofds�d �tt�ence
<br />in a S�Iy direction to a poim� on the curved- .
<br />arc .distant 13. F' feet NW o� : the S� Claretractsofdl nd ofaLot�48in
<br />terminating; together with a triangu 1 in Wly of the following
<br />said B�ock 3� Rosevi�ie Hi11s No. 2, y�
<br />d�scribed line : Beginning at the N�►' C°rrved Iineiofsaid� I►ote4carcn
<br />a Sly direction to a point on the S. cu
<br />distant 22. ? f eet NE of the Si9 corner oi sai.d Lbt � 4 and �there
<br />�,i� '�
<br />terminating. '�, '� �o'� ����=�" �°�``. �
<br />g pa�ent r�cord ownexs: Robert E. C. Schmidt and Frieda J. Schmidt,
<br />P joint tenancy clause. �
<br />� 2 together with a �xi�n�u�.�r
<br />12. 3�ot 6, Block 3, Rosevaa,le Hi11� No. ,
<br />tract af Y�ot � in said �aoek 3, Rose�ille Hill� �o. 2,�lying S�y of
<br />owin described lines and exclud�r�.g ��tri���l�r tract of
<br />�Y�e foll g o� the following describesl line: The following :
<br />saicl Lot 6 lying N1Y
<br />des
<br />cribed Iine being �. line beginn�ng at a point of saidY�,oti�e of
<br />said Lot 6 dista�t 12.0 fe��t S. of the NiY corn�r
<br />r�ce in a�Tly r�ir�ctxon to a point on the cur�e�d9aidl�ot 5�andid '
<br />t heri
<br />Lot 5 arc distant 13.6 feet �+I�'T oi th� SE co�er ��"'�.`��
<br />there ��rmin�.ting. �-,�.s� `� � --
<br />Thole and Dorot�.�;° A. Thol�e
<br />ApParent _?record owners : R��.ymond M. , � � �
<br />� oint tenancy clause.�
<br />;
<br />S 1 2 3, 4 and 15, Block 7, Western HilZs. �� �, �'-�'
<br />I3.. �t , � / 7 ' ' ;
<br />A arent record owners: Roberts�Development Co.;(Minnesota carpora�t�.a��
<br />PP
<br />Taxes and Judgme�ts not examined.
<br />�Y' �ness the signature of an authorized o�f icer of tl�e said G�mpany s
<br />x
<br />` t cor orate seal. this :28th day of June, 196� at �8 �' ciock A. .�d.
<br />and i�s P ;
<br />. . � � .. � t�.. .� T :
<br />. . � . ��� .. . � r ;
<br />i �y -+
<br />. . . i�; . . . . .. .
<br />�- �
<br />B'Y' �� � .Authorize . ;�ignatur�
<br />, ,. �
<br />Fors Schu'ler Construction , -
<br />' � 3667 Bellaire, SYhite Bear ».
<br />_ �� _ . -
<br />