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� <br />. <br />7 <br />Part of the NW� of Sec. �, T.29, R.23, The S. 910 feet of the S. <br />498 feet of the SY. 1600 feet, except that part of Countq i�oad B-2 <br />and except a �riangular shaped area described as follows: Coanm�ncing <br />at �he point o� intersection of the N. line of County Road �-2 and <br />the Fi', line of the property described; thence N. along said �. line <br />of the property described a distance of 120 feet; thence SS to a gaint <br />on the N. line of County Road B-2 which point xs distant 22 feet <br />E. of the place of beginning; thence W. 22 fe�t to the place of <br />beginning. <br />Apparent .r.ecord owner: Boise Cascade Corporation (Delaware corporation� <br />The ST. PAUI� ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUAR.ANTEE COMFANY does hereby certify <br />that from an exa�ination of th�e records in the offic+� Qf ti�e ftegist8r _ <br />of Deeds and/or Registrar of Titles, <br />in ana for �the County of Ita.�nseq _ <br />{ and 5tate o� Minnesots., it appears that the apparent awner or owners <br />� of the property w�.thin a radius of 250 fee�t of tiie abave wtiich is <br />#� <br />3 <br />� to be rezoned a�e as fol.lows : <br />� That gart o� the �JW� af 5ec. 8, T.29�, R.23, described as follows: -. °� �� <br />1, The S. 935 feet of the E. 31� feet af the W. 1084 feet. <br />Subject to rights o�� the public in Countg Road B-2. .' �, <br />�' _ '`� � � � <br />. . ... � _ .. . . . -�� 4, �. <br />Appar�ent recqrd own�r: D. :H. Ovexmyer_ �Tarehouse� Co. (�innesota <br />_ _ corpo�a t ion) ... . . ' <br />� The S. 1�24 feet of the �. 680.07 feet of the 1V�Y� oi Sec. 8, T.29, <br />�,R.23, and that par;t of the NiY� of Sec. 8, T.29, R.,23, described as <br />� fallows: Beginning at a point in the N. line of said NWg disiarzt �. <br />2, �� 15�49.43 feet W. of the NE corner tk��ereof; thence �. along th� N. �,;; <br />- ' Iine of said NW� a distance of 60 �eet, thence a� a right a�gle 5.,� '' <br />to �he NTg line of the right of way of the Norther,n Pacifxc Rai:lway '� <br />Company, thence �ly a1Qng the Nly l ine of said rigi�t �f w�.y, �ta ° an, '` :,�� <br />1 4� <br />in�tersection with a line drawn S. from t�ae point of�, begi�nirig ��. �,�� <br />and at right a� to the N. �,ine af said 3�Y�, thence N: a].Qng saicl �° <br />line sQ drawn tQ the point of b�ginnirag. Sub�3 ect �c� pul�li+�; st,r'eets ��r,; <br />23 ' The S ` �r ,"� -; <br />and highw�ys . Except l�art of the I�6Y� of Sec . 8, T. �S f R° ,_ . ,;, s'T: , <br />9Z0 �Feet o� the E. 4�8 fee� of ;the W. i6�0 :fee�`� .exc�ep�:..�fia� part cif ,��, <br />�ounty Road B-� and �xCept:a. �rang��ar shaped �rea c3escr3bed as = <br />fa3.�.ows :�omm_eneing at �the point af ir��ers��ctic�n m�: ti�e N. �-:1i.�re a�, �, ";�,; <br />`C�unty Ro�.d B-� 'amd �he W. ��n,� oi the prapert� ��+e�criia��; ; t��nce �F. ;; �`; <br />along said �. lin� af prop�rty des;�rib�d d: d�.s�aa�ce a� Z�Q, ;fee�; �T�� � t� <br />; ,thenee �� to a poin� o� the Ai. I�.r�e` o� ,�o�r�tg �Roaid �-2 .���+e� g�?�.�� ' ��' <br />,:, is dista�art �2 �e�� �. of t4�e plac� ca� b��inu'irig, t���ce �: �;G 2�+�e� ; '' `; <br />� �� �o the place of �eg�nnYng, ex�egt that part ; �f. - th� ,;�ti�� �v� ��e, >8, .,. <br />; � ; � �, 29, �. �3,- described a� �o�.iaaws : �he � . 935 �e:�t. o.f t�ia �:' 31� `' ;, <br />f e�t of the _'�. ].Q�� f e�te ; � � <br />.�. t�? �' .� �i'T.�.�� a�- <br />: . � , <br />; ` :Appa�°ent x��co�d o�:e�:-'T�e �inr�esata �`z��.nsf�� �ax�way:_ �v�ffipa�a�. ,� i�nesg:t�:" <br />:corpar�.�iara} ' -F <br />_ . . .. <br />, , <br />. ,. , ; . ,, , <br />:��3. that part o�� the N�T� of �ec. S, :�. �9¢ �`s 23,` begi�ni:ng at a;ps�.�,xi� �}_. <br />� o� the 1�'. liaxe of said �F$ 9 1�.TI: � ieet: S. .r�� .the` -� c�rr�er o�..':sait�' r:�f � <br />��ee. 8, 'th�a�ce NE3y a� an approx�.ffiate ang3e:: o�� �4 d�g�rees 6. m�.nut�� <br />;_; • 3 - � �� ��eonci� to said �i'. iine, �faQ8. � �e�i, wh�ch 13n� �s. ,para].�.el and <br />�0£� ��et, S o of -�he Noa�tY�ern Pacif ic Railw��r Cc�mpan�*' �. right a;i �ay - <br />' tca the �o��t fl� �egi�n�.ng of the prope�tg to be desc�ibec�: Co�ae�aeimg .� Y <br />� �.t th� �ast �iescribed �03�-�, thence S � and parallei �o �h� .;�' �3a�e � �, _; <br />. of sa.�.d' ��, 52�.8� �eet; �bence E. �.t ri h� angles 40:�. �eet,' ,the��+� +" <br />�; � x � 3�. and` parallei `�a. ,the ��i. Iiz�e a� said �i%�, 565,13 ��e.t, tkie�ce h _ <br />..� , , <br />` SW�q� parallel an�i �Oi}._ �eet S. oi the �'ort�ern Pa���ic �taiiwag � ` ' <br />,Com�an� ° s righ� . Qf way 4�32.12 feet to th�e po3�t. �f %e��nn�ng, , <br />„ � c�za�ai�3�g � aere� . - ' �- ' <br />. , . <br />_: <br />~ � <br />;= � ' �� ,; , � � � <br />� <br />_ ; <br />r <br />< _ :. �. � A.g��r�n� �eea�d nwner:�euben �,. �n�erson. : �,� � � r' ,: <br />�' � � � <br />. . <br />� �c'2,--Gd:�Yo�'"er�� ..� <br />. . ��� � :}',; <br />. . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . c `_ <br />