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4 <br />� <br />That part of the SSY� of Sec. 8, T.29, R.23, lying Wly and I�iWly and _ <br />a�ij acent to the iYly i ine of The Minnesota Transfer R.ailway Company ° s <br />right of way and bounded on the W. by the T. line of 'fValnut Street <br />and baunded on the N. by �he S, line of County RoacY B-2, containing <br />apg�roxima.tely 14.18 acres . <br />Subject to a right of way for a lead track described as iollows: <br />Part of tt�e SW� oi Sec. �, T.29, R.23, Beginning a� the NW corner : <br />of the SS'�� of said �ec. 8, thence E. on the N. line of said SW� <br />of said Section 8, 1320 fe�t, thence S. parallel ta the jY. lane of ',.. <br />said SW� of said Sec, 8, 3� feet to the S. line of County Road "B" 2, ` <br />place of beginnin� of land to be describ�d, A strip of land 17 feet - <br />1II width, lying 8� feei of such w�dth on each side of the center <br />line ai the following described line: Beginning on the S. line Qf <br />County Road B-2 a distance of 1320 feet E. oi the SV. line of the Si�� <br />of Sec. S, as aforesaid, thence S, parallel to said W. line a distance <br />of 405.56 feet more or less, thence on a 12 degree and 30' curve <br />to the right a distance of 311..73 feet to a point which is 8.5 <br />feet more or less, Wly of the �Yly right of R►ay lin� of The �Iinneso�a <br />Transfer �ai].way Company; thence SWly parallel and 8.5 fe�et �Yly of <br />said right of way line, a distance of 404 fe�; more or less; tlaence <br />deflect to the left at an angle af 6 degr�;es and 21 minu�es, <br />thence continue on suclh deflecte� line a distance af ?6.85 fe�t <br />more or less to the ly right of way line of the Minnesota <br />Transfer Railway Company. � _ <br />Said righ� of way sha�l in perpe�ui�y f�r �he benefzt o� the �; <br />Grantor, its successors and ass�.gn�,;�o long'as the �aid right of.; <br />way i� used or maintained a� a trac� ar�. easeraent upon such por�ion,.- <br />of the adjoinia�g �.and as shall be, r.easanahle and nece�sary :€or the ; <br />proper construction, support and ina3nt'�nance o�`said rnght oi way. <br />and track s ,',� � � �'.ti , : ; . <br />�'� � � .�w <br />Apparent record o�vner : St o Paul Terminal Waxehe�use' Company� ;;�I <br />: (Mannesata corpora�3on) . '� ��� �: <br />� , ,. <br />A ri;gi�t of w�y for a�+ead t�ack in that tract or parcel of lan�i` lying <br />and being in the County of Ramsey a�d State of i�innesota described-�� '`��� <br />as follows : Fart of the SiY� af Sec. 8, T. 29 R. 23, . wiiich said ` ''�` <br />rig�it af' way is described as follows : A s,trip Qf Iand 1,7 f�e� in °`` <br />width, l�ring 8.5 feet of such width an each side �af' the` cent�r Zs,n� '" <br />, . :: <br />>of the follc�wing d�scrib�d - line : on the �, �ine�" �o� Coumty ; �` <br />Road �--2 a'da.stance af i7.32. 5 feet E, me�.sured at ri�ht angles , to �: "' :' <br />�he �i. Yine of the S�Y� af Sec: S, T.29, R.23, th�n+ce S. parallel ; s�� <br />`Go said �Y, line, a distance of 62f .14 �ee�, mnre or less, thenc� . on ;.', r� ; <br />a.12 degree and 30' curve to the ri�ht a distanc�e o� 260.8(3 feet, :` �' �" <br />more or less, thence contanue SW�.y tangent �o �aid_cu��� a,distance <br />of 17�. 5I. feet more Qr 2ess io the iifly rigY�t af:` way c�f The �,�innes�ot�. <br />Transf+�r �tai3way C�mpany, which ` sa�.d right of way; �hal7. , have' x'ri � <br />� per�etui�y for the :ber��fi.t of the Gr�.ntee; i�s si��ors an�d � � <br />�'assigns, so ].ang as t�.e'-s�aid�;right o� way a.s used or ma�nitained a� ;;" ; <br />'a " track, an easement up►on` sueh por�ion of .tlxe ad,joining la.nci as sha�.�2 . <br />�e ��asonabi� and. nec�ssary far, �he px°oper constx�uction, ��p�ort <br />ar�s� maintenan�e of sa3d right o.f way and track. <br />- �.� � i ��,�.�,�.,' <br />App�:ren�t reco�d c�wn�r : �he �iinnesota Transfer. �ailway '"Campany , � ; <br />� . <br />(�i�aneso�ta corporatioxa� . , „�,�: <br />_ r <br />A st�i of,� land : 3.Oa 'ieet wid� r�nnin. SVil in �he NW o.f S�'c. S, s� <br />P � . g � a..��. � ;. <br />Te 29!, R. �3, lging �.:. o�f 'p"roperty b�ing r�zc�n�d. �;�; , <br />� �' � �'�-�-� .. <br />Apparent a�ecc��d owner :�i:nnes.ota �`r�.ns�er R�.�Iway Company ': :. <br />_ <br />r� <br />A strip of land :50 f�et wide �unning SWly .in the N�1'� of Se�c. �-,' -. `,: <br />T.29, R.23, lying F. of pa�operty being rezon.�d. '', <br />.� ;1;: <br />' � s ,, � ; <br />A�p�r�r�x�t r�eor� - owner : Norther� States Pow�r Company, - x� <br />_ ����� �y� -: <br />. . � . . . . . _ . .. . ��, l <br />. . . . . . . . . . � �' � ,:_� <br />. . . ' ' . � . � ' � � - <br />, ; <br />_ '. � ; � , <br />.. <br />, <br />, . <br />. - <br />, , ,.: j <br />