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<br />' 2�.ay 2, 1966 - � . . ;
<br />. . � . :,
<br />� . ;
<br />� • , . .. _s
<br />?.fr. Arthur L. Cooper . � . ' � :� �
<br />14?l Rose Place . . � . � � '
<br />... �
<br />- Saint Paul, i��nnesotci 55113 - � ' _ , :�-�
<br />Dear Art: � . �" ' , , �
<br />, . ��
<br />� � "� ' �
<br />_Af+er receivin� ::1;� letter o�' Apri3 21, 19u6 (a copy of «r�ich T gave to . ��: !
<br />� you), t�4r. Robert Steir.er called r:zc ;�ith .resrect tc� ny �ta��ement in r•ara�raph -�.� .-::�
<br />• nurabered 3 of that letter. H� s underst�r.din� r,�s tllat a r�asonr�blc sfze £or '�'.::�,;�
<br />the pi:ne trees �to be planted ulo� the 20 foot str:.p to the rear o� his property ;:.�
<br />and �r. Eriekson's property rrould be 18-28 inch nursery stock. You tvill note � ��'��
<br />that in my lett,er I sta�ed it �73S our understand�n� i;h�t tY�ese pine trees ��ould � ��'��
<br />lie at Ieast 3 feet. '`'
<br />!1£ter a'brief di�cussion i7zth �fs. Steiner Z a�reed that inasnuch at� he ''��+'� �'
<br />an� 1,�r. k�ickson v�erc plantir�; a strip 20 feet �v].de �.•�iti: both nine und deciduous �; - �'.:�:
<br />trees Yt l?AS T.1y 01�lillOil it �:Gll1Q be reasonable for i:;�;ni �o plsnt the I8--2fi inch J'
<br />:� stock in3tead of i:ize 3 foot stoc.�t. I st� �ed, hoti��ver, that as �o ?,ir. Robe:.•t� � ,'�;#
<br />` �. propsrty, it ��as r�y opinion -l�hat ; ne 3 foot stock s•ia �^d in para;raph nwnbered 2 ��':�
<br />�� in my 1e'�ter should obt�ir. bccause hi� pZaniin�; s�Lrip is �nly 6 feet deep behind �
<br />�� his "mar�d fence" �znd 15 _fee� deep hPhind hi� business es�blisl.nent ad jacent to ,:.�
<br />the apar�`�men�. buildin;; ur:c: beca�?�e tY�e p].an-tin�; is to be exclusively of pin� trees.
<br />v , �.
<br />�- Since �;� tele�?lune conversa-tion ►�i-th '.ir. S�;c•incr I had beer. i��iendin� '
<br />� either to call you or i:a v�� s? i�:�itlz you t�rith reyp�ct to i:�1is modificatinn, but �-<" i
<br />I jus � na�,te not been �b1c �� arrGn� e mf schedule to ao �his. �?cco,c3a n� 7 y, S . �. ,��
<br />thought i � r:ou2d �e b��'� -+.f 1 s��ly t�o-ce you this note sta-iin� tiri�8-c I had a�r�ed �`��;�
<br />` Zo �iih ��s. Steiner and �:s. �ri��son. T ass�r.e y�.hat �h� s nodi£ication a�311. meet . '`-'
<br />` ,� tvith -t2�e approval of tiie res�c?e��is. I an sendin� copies o£ �1:his to a1.1. of the �� '.;:
<br />parties 3nvolved so trat eve-ryoz:� t�ri12 keep abreast c,£ ti3e develo�nent of fi.he . � �{
<br />screen. � � ' � . �,`�.;
<br />. , . �:t
<br />- Sincerely yours, . ' - _ �
<br />. ,a.
<br />_. ,
<br />- � . : _ �
<br />. Thc��� E. Rohriclit .
<br />'TER: jr .
<br />ca. �f.r. Donald Rober �s . `
<br />�. Robe��i . S �eir�er . , - . � , .
<br />�fr. Rich�d '�t. �.%.i�n3u::;� . � - :
<br />1iy �r. Ernest q.�.ue�el ' .
<br />. •
<br />�ir. ' J�es Shields � �
<br />�. ; , �r. Tha:�as Cur2ey . .
<br />St - � � � � . . . � a
<br />z �� Ros�ville vill�e c;oaLne�l � �
<br />�?ik . . ' . . . . .
<br />.�
<br />w�7.K• . . � � . , . . .
<br />t�3ty � � - , . � . . � . . � . � . . . . . �
<br />�:;„r - . .. . � . � � - , � . _ .
<br />"�+ '4 � , . . - . " . � . . ' � . � �r - _'� '
<br />., r'� . " .. . . . . . , . - _ . . . . � �� �i .:
<br />'rYi£� f i ` � - . � , • . . - " . ' � , , .. .. � �'s, . .
<br />a
<br />[� a-,r . � � . . � . � - � - . � - , -
<br />. ��t''�`.�W" .,,. .,. ,.. .. ... .. .. . - . � . . - ' . . . � . � . � . . . __�_ _ — _ .
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