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�� <br />� <br />� <br />i <br />FOUNDATION 1�NALYSIS <br />� <br />Page 3— Proposad Apartment Bldg. <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br />We vnderstand the proposed construction will consist of a 4 story apartment building <br />r ri and a ar e area to the w�st (area of borings 1L, 2, and 3). <br />(area of bo ng 4) g� <br />Plans are presently in the pre�liminary stages and the final building locations <br />;`, , '_ <br />;,:.- .` and floor slevations have not been decided. <br />;, <br />Apartment <br />Boring 4 wa.s put down as a general check for the propoaed apartment buildinga <br />�:, ,� <br />', The low+er floor for this building z,ri.1�. probably b� about 1�' abave existing grade e <br />,�� We asswne the loadings will be fairl,q heavyo It appears that normal spread footings <br />wotil.d be feasiblee The soils encourztered in boring 4�'e predomiriantl.� granulare <br />�:o <br />The.fill extends to a depth of 2t in thi.s boringa Loadings of 3,000 pounds�per <br />square faot and k,000 pounds per square foot are indicated.on the gr�nular soi�. <br />, . <br />found inunediat'.ely belaw the fiil and below about elevation $5' r�spectiFe�,pa Same �� x" <br />: . . > , ; <br />�� ' - w�eaker soils were es�counte�ed at depth in thi.s ' borin� 'out the loadings giveii ' <br />8.,;;; above wo�al.d - be adequat�l,y distributed to th�'se soils e W� would sugges � additzonal ��, � <br />� ,, <br />�..,y, t so3.1. borings; �o .givs more complete information on the soil conditions; o�ver the ; <br />� progc�sed construction areao More sp�cific recommendatians could then be madeo <br />{ f <br />�� .. . . . � � . . . . . - . .. � . . . � . � . , . � . . . <br />d {d . .. . . ' . ' . . . . - <br />�A � .: . , �.'�' .�.:. � . ' : �� ' . " � . . . . . .r <br />r'�Y :.:. ._ . . . . . . . . . : ��i. <br />: � - Gaz^a:ge A"rea . � <br />�� �, <br />'� The garages are tentative7.� planned in the area of bor�.ngs 1, 2 and 3e We assume <br />�x,; <br />��H <br />� � the'loadings'will be quit� light �or these structures w3th most,of the load being <br />�_� � � ;, <br />. ,§, . . , . - � : <br />�: 5 `: on tlie floor slab, The soft clay found iu boring 3 extends to a depth of 11�, At <br />x� , . , ; <br />� , , borings.l and 2, medi:um to rather stiff clay and loose sands were found at th�, , � <br />_ � <br />� , , , <br />:��t , ; <br />t,�;` `�. ;- :; siirface � or below 32'; . of topsoilo <br />M���eI . � . . .. ' � . ... . . _ <br />t �� ) . :: ":'. .� � � -�.��' . .�� .. . :. .... •.. <br />}ly4 . : . ,. . . . ' �� ., . � � <br />,: 4 = ; We understand: � tlie garage floor zrill -be somewhat abave existing gr�de e It would ' - <br />".�x � , , : <br />� t --; be fea�ib3e to snppart the proposed floor and light building loads on compacted; �` <br />h.'...5 7� ,s :, r.�,:. - . . . . <br />.., <br />�' F * .. ._ , . _ . � �. <br />c.: . . ,, . , . . ' . . . . . .. .. . . � . � ,�. <br />� fill placed after removing th�.surface soils containing sod and rootso The actual � <br />�°;� �,,,r <br />� .;.���� . P. .. .. _ .� _ . __ - -- — <br />z� ' <br />'�."'g. �;M�� 4c ,a.z, , � � � f � <br />