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� • <br />� <br />Pag� 4- Propoa�ed Apartment B�.dg. <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br />loading that could be used would depend on several factora incl�t��.r�g the type and <br />depth of fi�1., the degree of compaction obtained, and the allowable unit <br />� : on the underluing soils. Considering the penetration resistarice and test results <br />for the loase sand and s4ft cohesive 3oils, w+e recommend unsing a light unit loacling <br />� of 1 OU ound� er s uare foot. This shc�uld be adequate for the propose� <br />,5 P P q <br />canstruction. <br />,i <br />CLOSiNG RII�fRRS <br />', . thi re rt are our o inions <br />The recammendations tnnd/or suggestion� conta�ined in s po p <br />,'��:' � � � � � <br />; based oxa data whici� are assumed to be representative of the site e.aplor�d; but <br />,�, � <br />''becavise'' th+� araa of the borings in relation to the entire area is very sr,iall, and <br />y� for other reasans, we do not warrant conditiong helow the dspths of our borings, <br />n�' or that ths strata lagge� from our borings are necessarilp tgpieal of the entire <br />`,�s.ite. <br />:;t <br />�. <br />, <br />� �� <br />i� <br />r::` , <br />H� <br />.; < <br />�� : <br />, <br />, _ <br />,� <br />=: <br />�, k <br />��T E <br />�I� � <br />F�� ..t. � , . <br />�y j r -. .. ' . <br />�y x 1I �'. _�. . . - � . . . � . <br />� <br />��: L r. � l� . . . � <br />�' � � . � . � . . . <br />�}� <br />Y.��� 'k *"1,,, � � . �. <br />t � rt-r � E <br />�- � <br />y, Y l <br />��:� s � 7 <br />> �} ' <br />:4.�{�k �'' .' i . _ . <br />� "SY f'�` GYht t . � ' . <br />�� 1 i 4 h i fir� k �� . . <br />��'�/ n � �r i r � 1 . . . . <br />�. Yy(- yd i f�,� . . <br />� Y� `'�'fil� }� �t '!. i`C�S .. � . <br />� -� f <br />������v r�?�'{'t� } ., l� f �. f . � . <br />;T�FF�r Ll.� 9 i - � 3 �: � . . .. . . � . <br />. " �i��x f ,t.yC�-.yf v' .. � �. . <br />�� I ��tss k Jf d� k �: . - - � .. . . . . . . _ .. <br />_ . . �e! .c�r.s:au.. �`1.w F.F-_n.., A�. : ... . , , ; '. .. . . . , .. - <br />