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_a, "" '!t';,c,'�' i�'J � C. .ill. +i.2'�^.��'d.i." <br />5;,r :;ncllir:� nnc �i^::�►line �;��.. �' ��.... .._ ;,� :'." ..... ..�i., . : . <br />ir. tne ��re-1 t,ill ha��e t�, cnt�,r �;::� ,.xi : �:i�: �: . ',.ry" '. <br />�:.1: r.c :� � L..�c. <br />;,r�y propa:;ed ir,�re:..; .r.. c��;r• .�.. �:�i� ;'c;,:,�.ty �?�� ��C" by �.I: ext:.��',�iaxi <br />Of .`��31C1Z1T1� (�i:iT'VC EiTI.^. �OT1:� �:'�:':t1G?1 C:1 ,'!?l C1:1�. C.:''i.C� �:dL:T',ji.`f L��,�14 r��tt i:,CI'G�S ��IE <br />railro:d track� is at 1Ca�i� i�_�ur ���ar� ir� �i:e fu�urc and is at the : re�er�� <br />time merely speculation. <br />(i) No final en;in�.erir.� �lar.� arc in efistence; only � tentative <br />general propasal e�:ist:: inGicatir.� ti�e appro:{i�.�ta potential lmcation of <br />sucr an exit. <br />(ii) A�y exter►sian ��f �. e�.ling Curve north�,lard to Cou�ty Rcad "C" <br />rnust cross railrck�d tracks and ar� propased crossin�; is suo ject t� the <br />approval (or disappraval) of the S�at� i��.ilraad and '�'larehcuse Cc�rur►issior�, <br />The population densiJy� increa�e cauued by the eons�cruction of the pro- <br />posed apartments, `�ri�thout a�.d: ticnal ip ;rc:.�s ar�d egress via County Road "C" <br />�vill compounr� the hazard ei vc:�icular -'trai i ic sub�tar,tia.11y. <br />2. The proposed rezonir� appear.� �c� .: ons i;i�i:�.: �c ": �,.ot-r�zon� ng"R� may be ille�gal under <br />1�Zinnesota Law inasmuch as it woul� tt.�;e ;�r•c�r�-:rt;,r ;;,�.ui�:xit dUe prcce�s of Lati°;. <br />(a) Tt is gragmaticaily �_� �'act t��.�.�t t.7c urese�ce of a larbe apartr�,ent <br />complex in a residential ar:.� �uustar�i �:Llly red�:ces the �alue of i�omes ili t:�e <br />area, rdoreover, i£ th� prot�o.,c�d ��partrncnt �:�;•�rc ceveloped, the nossibility of <br />additional apastment construczion on �the rem_;ininb vacant land alox� Snelling <br />Curve rvoul.d iurtk�er reduce prooerty �:ilur:s i:� trie �rea. Home purchasers tivill <br />nflt 3nvest in substantial homes ::itn hi�ii reai. �state ta:tes }�hich are situat�d <br />across from, next to, or ne�.r apartment <br />As stated in Fili��:er v � C� �:y cf ;;iir,n4a�olis_: "SThat tnP construGtion <br />of apartment buildir�s, ho•,��EVEr, attractively ulanned, is li:�cel� io affect <br />adversely surrounding residential d�v� . o. to some exten�t is a r�atter <br />of judicial noti�e.'� (Cit�tionsomiUted.) <br />(b} Residential homes ;,�ere b�il�c ana purch3sed in the axea in reliance <br />upon the master zoning plan of the Village. Th:i� Plan called for mulziple-use <br />propex�ty along �he ra:ilroad �racl;s a,d j�cer,t �o County itoad "C" ttnd portian� 02' <br />the property along Harniine t�Wcnuey v�ith �"e remainaer allocated to development <br />of single family dr�ellir�s . <br />( c) A� sta�eci ir� �he case o� Lei�htan v: Ci ��� o� : �:finneanolis : ". .. <br />, ,'lhen zanes are �staalished, ci-tizens b;.� a:c�d Lrnprov� groz�erty relying 'on the <br />restr�.ctions p-rovicied by La�,a. They nave a right to the perm�.nency and secur- <br />ity that the lar;� should affcrd." <br />jy <br />of <br />;x <br /> oi parcels i;i�',hin the -r�sidential pcar-�ior� not cnly deval.ues <br />the investment of the residen�ir�1 proper-�;� c�;rn�rs, but alsc violates the pux'pose <br />of the master zoning plan a.n� the faith o£ the home o�;mers ;�:ho relied upon it. <br />�: <br />(d) ���here the homeolrners agree vri�:h th� pror�osed rezon�s� of parcels con-- <br />trary to the mas�er zaning ��an an� r�here tne Pl��ning C�runissian sees no over- <br />all Village objectians, a.t is prope� zo m�diiy previou� zonis�. In su�k� in- <br />stances the nomeoti� of the area invcl>>ed h�re i�.ave caoperated with industry <br />ana the iTil�.ag� to dev�lop t,he �rea fc�r co:a::;a��:�le multiple uses, The burden in <br />this instance is on �Yie pe�ition�rs �o prove "��- c'1P.8z' a.nd cor.vincing evi�ience ' <br />-�hat the relief .-. . so�ht ��oula nc��; rescl � i:r �.�„v substan��ial detrimEni� to <br />n�ighboring prop�rty improved in reiian�e on �nc . �.[zonir.�% ordi.nance," _ <br />Fi].i�� C�_,. t� f'.ia.nrear°lx �• :�Iere the j,roucseci rezaning is not agreeable tc <br />the hameotimers; ths propasca use of t�`�e prcper�;; is r.ct ux:�er the present facts <br />compatible i�rith developm�r.�; ai �he area a� �ne �resent -�ime; Petitione� has not I <br />satisfied hi� �urden of prcaf; �nu tile �e�i�icn shcuZa ��e denied. <br />August 28, 19h7 <br />2. <br />