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� <br />�> <br />x► <br />� <br />4 � <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />t a� 6 �6i <br />�sp � , <br />CASE� <br />APPII�ANT: <br />IOCATION <br />� � <br />Heleruc� ond Benttey <br />No�th oF Co�►��y Rvod 8 evs� d�ole St•eet <br />ACT!ON REt�U�STED: Rezo+��ng fram "R-1" tc "�-30" ond Ft-b" o�d Sp�cial <br />U�e Pr+m;t fcx Pionned Unit �evelc�pment <br />PIANNING GONSIDERATIONS <br />1. Th,e p�ap�trrr ca+�+sis�� of op�prax�R+ately 1�,5 oc*ei e.x�lu�ive of prcposed <br />publit street wh�ch wo�id run fram Sont#�ur�t Avenu+a uff o� Dole Strect <br />th►ouqh the prop�rty and th�n sewth to Counry Road B� �s shown an th� <br />sk�tch ot the left, Tha opplic�nt Rropcses ro d'+vide the property into <br />five parc�b, tw�h � which wauld be de►weloped sepa�otaly. Fa thi: <br />�rpt�e w�t hoYe suegest+�d �t� the oppl�cont that ht should f i(e o plot <br />dQdicoting the public stteet invoived onc� dividing the pfa�;`y in�o <br />the Fi ve pafc eis pr�pos�d . Ncw�ver, at thi s pcai nt no r+i�.�.fi hcs been <br />p:oposed witfi� �he cur��n� eppl�catior�. ir would �iso b� possible to <br />occap! th+a a.di*otoon of the str�et th�cwgh a deed though we feel <br />rhe plottir� �ocess would be more �PP�oP'iote in this case. <br />,?, The tc�ai deve�opment �ouid c�ns��� c� 19� oPertment �nit; with 23 <br />taw�►auses. T.�►e to�nhouses are propvsed ta b� constructtd cantiguous <br />to fihe singte-fomily p(ot which bocks up to t�+c� property or► the esoat <br />:;de. �lVe hov� w�g�sted that the appliror� get in touth with the o�vne� <br />oi th� plat involved so c�s to oscefropn his �,<.ws w�#h �espe�ct to the use <br />aF the toFarnhauses as a tronsitionol �c�ne �r rhis cas�. <br />3. The initial t�partments proposed to be can:t�u�cte� wQu�d be cx� po�ce) 1 <br />v+rhich is immediotely flO�f�i 0i t�1@ �'X1311t1� �ursinr; home franting on <br />+�ounty Rood �. A laycut ri �hese two apartments �and the contiguous <br />oportments oppee�s reaso�biy wei l done, except that o11 of the gofage s <br />ore on the �urface. We F�o-�s wgg�sr�d ta the epplitant the desirebility <br />crsd the inte�esfi �f the Vi#logs in g�tting the parking under the bvildings <br />oe undergrcjund fls ho3 been p+optrsed in ol) the recent apartments applied <br />fo�r in the Villoge within the last year. The opplic�nf Ivas indicoted his <br />unwillingness io d� this because af the ieer of the �entol �.nge thct would <br />have to be �hQrged if that wer� d�r�e. We fee� that continued eff�ts to <br />incourogt the use �� undergrovnd por�Cing or basement porking is warth- <br />�hile. <br />4. 1n generol ir wc�uld op�eer +o us that rhe iand in question can and should <br />be app�op��oiely usedfo� a weli designed oportment pfoject. In vie•�v of <br />