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. �• <br />_ •. <br />� . r ~t <br />� VILLAGE OF ROSEVILI�g <br />�r�s�;i cou�Ti� r�r��So�A <br />C 0 N T R A C T <br />• FOR DEVEIAP��IENT pF NEW at�IyISIONS� <br />Subdivision Name: HEAzr��l00D <br />Acceptance Resolution No.: <br />' Acceptance Date: January 1�� <br />THIS AG� �e �bis 14th day of ' July �96 9 <br />between the VILI,AGE OF ROSEyILLE, NLCNN�gp�� a�ting b;� ar�d, �b�u� it8 I,,�a r a�nd <br />� Ville�ge Manager� herein called the Vil.l,age �► � Y° <br />. BAN CON INCORPORATED here3.n �called the "Dev�eloper". <br />WitneBs t et the Developer, in consideration of t e Village accepting the plat o� <br />HEATF�ERWpOD <br />Subdiv.Lsion� agrees to Purnish el.l labor� mater�.als and equipment tot <br />-____ .. ...,,,���„y„11 111��ualn base bituminous hot-mix aver-laid surf <br />concrete �urb and gutter; off-site improvements including bituminous driveways, <br />bouleva.rd, sod an trees a draina�e sti�ale soddin . Storm sewe-r is to be con- <br />structe,�, and assessed, under Village Project ST-68-35; improvements on Glatier <br />��re �o be conGi:r���+� a,,,a ,,.,.....--� --_- , --• - - <br />:':i <br />:es;' <br />�e, <br />-- �. � � ��: 5 -oo- u W-�t�- 1 and <br />and to comply witl� the subdivision minimum requiremenis att�ched hereto and.bhereb� <br />made a p�rt o� this�agreemen�. It is agreed �hat all work shall be done in accor.y <br />dance with the plans and speci�ications which are an file in tbe ofPice o� the <br />Village Manager, Village of Roseville, and hereby made �. part of this agreement. <br />The Developer agrees that the work sha11 be done and performed in �be best <br />and most worl�nanlike manner; and all materials and labor sball be in strict con- <br />f'ormity with respect tn the plans anc7, specifications �nd ordinances for tbe im- <br />provement of the <br />HCA R4700D <br />Subdivision and sbaLl. be subject tn tbe inspection and �he approval oP the Village <br />or � duly autborized engineer of the Village, and in case any material or labor � <br />supplied, sha11 be rejected by tbe Village or engineer as defective or unsuitable <br />then such rejected ma,terial shall be removed, and replace3 wit� approved material <br />and the rejected labor sba11 be done anew to tbe satisfaction and approval of the <br />Village or engineer and at the cost and expense of tbe Developer. The Developer <br />further agree� tbat he wi11 connnence work hereunder on or before <br />and �ri11 havP a].1, the work done and tbe improvements fully complet�`ed to tbe satis- <br />faction and approval of the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, <br />on or bePore <br />4� e <br />September 1 � 19� �0 . <br />i <br />