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It is agreeci� however, that the Developer sha11 submit a„rritten schedule <br />indicating tne progress schedule and o�ler of co�rpletion of work covered, by thia <br />contract. It is furtber agreed that upon �eceipt of �itten notice �rom the <br />Developer of the existence of causes over which •the Developer has no contro7. <br />which Wi1.S, delay the comple;,ion of the work, the Village Council, in its discre- <br />tion, may extend the date hereinbefore sp�cifie3 �or completion and that any bond <br />required ehall be continued to cover tbe �rork du:ring this extension of time. It <br />is distinctly understood and agreed that all work covered b y contract shall be <br />done at no expense to the Village of Roseville except as provfded in the <br />conditions attached bereto and made a part hereof. <br />The Develaper sha11 not do any work or furnish any materials not covered by <br />the plans and. specifications and special conditions of this contract•, for which <br />reimbursement is expected fram the Village, unless such work is iirst ozdered in <br />writing by the Village as provided in tbe specifications. <br />Any such work or materials which may be done or furnished by the contractor <br />without such written onier first being given sha11 be at his own risk, aast and <br />expense� and he hereby agrees tbat without sucb written order he will make no <br />clmim for compensation fox work or ma.terials so done or furnished. <br />It is further agreed.� anything to the contrary herein not-withstanding, <br />that the Village of Rosev3.11e, Village Council and its agents or employees sball <br />not be personally liable or responsible in any manner to the Developer� tbe De- <br />veloper's contrector or subcontractors, material men, laborers or to any oth�r <br />, person or persons whomsoever� for any claim� demand, damages9 actions or causes <br />of action of any kind, or character arising out of or by reason of the executi.on <br />of this agreement or the performance, completion or design of the work and the <br />improvements provided herein, and that the Developer will seve the Village barm� <br />less from all auch claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of ection or the <br />costs� disbuxsements and. expenses of defending the same. <br />' <br />`I <br />It is further agreed that the Developer will furnisb the Village of Roseville, <br />upon execution o� this contract, a corpoxate surety bond in the amount of <br />Two hundred seventy-seven thousand two hundred, fif�y-seven and, no�100 (�277,257.00) <br />the estimated cost of the pm posed improvement covered by this contract and also <br />shall furnish proof of insurance covering any public liability or property da- <br />mage by reason of the operation of the Developer's equipment, laborersy and <br />hazard caused by said i.mprovement. <br />This agreement shall not relieve tibe contractor from any of the provisions <br />of Chapter 20 of the Vill.age Code, or a.ny other applicabl� Code requirement�. <br />It is further agreed and understood, that "Minnesota Department of Highways, <br />Specifications for Highway Construction, 1g64" a.nd its supplements thereto is <br />incorporated. in a.nd ma,de a part af this contract by specific reference and �he <br />same shall constitute a part oP the plans and specifications referred to in tnis <br />a.greement . <br />It is Purther a�;rec:d. that upon Pinal acceptance by the Villa�e of tbe con- <br />struction listed on Page lj tbe Developer will Yurnisb the V�llage a maintenance <br />bond guaranteeing said work �or a period of one year. <br />-2- <br />
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