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� <br />Csse No. 62-92 (continued�) <br />The objectore $t the public heering held beiore the Gouncil alao <br />broughC up the matter o� a tra�fic problem et Lydia �nd Saelling. <br />The Cou�cil r�q�esta tbet the Planning Cotmaisaion give coneideretion <br />to thie traffic probl�m, end adviae tL�e Counci� as to whether or <br />not it fe�sls a treffic t�azzard aill be created by develapment of <br />�r�tail busine�s at ttnis locatio�. <br />Th� Council h�e coe�tia�ued its public hn�ring an the resoning until <br />June lA, 1962, and � ttse Pl�nning Cammi.eeion cauld furnish � <br />report f�or thar me�ting. <br />Youre Cruly, <br />' (Signed� <br />Rf.chard W. '�urnlund, <br />Vf llage Ad�ninistr�tor . <br />P,S, <br />Also forward�d to Mr. Gsauel wag s petitio� fram surrotiandi�g <br />prop@rty oamers outlining their objectione to ti�e propoeed <br />tesoning. <br />�WT/p <br />cc-Albert W. Gr�uel <br />3. Th� revieed plmn diffes� sli�htily �re�m the original gener�lly as <br />follo�e: <br />a. The buildinB depth �ir�s b�en r�duc�d from 4S` �0 36° �n th� <br />north end �r�d �0" on the so�ath �nd. <br />b. Th� re�ar acc�ae and loading area ��ast side oP bu�lding� has <br />bee� �liminated. <br />c. The parking se�back fram the Sn�lling Av�nu� �igh�-of��gy h�8e <br />t��en inc�essed �0 15° �s Sequired by tihe ordinanc�. <br />d. The numbe� of purking epaces h�s b��n increa�eci irom �a6 <br />to 47 s,paces a <br />Thus, th� d�v�l�pcQ�nt pla� noe� cn�fo�s to the ordinanc� �i�h r�spect <br />to ghe req�af��d s��b�ctc for perking con�ig�ou9 to the sCreet� �igh��of-way. <br />�t �hould be noted tloc�ev�r tiha� �h� lack af �h� 15 � setbmct� in ti�e <br />orig�nal plmn �s mo� tha princip�l criterir� in d���rmining t�e validie}� <br />of the re�o�i�►g r�quest. <br />. <br />4e App�nded to Chis report i� a copy of th� arig�.nal repor� d�ted April 4, <br />1962 �hicl� r�pie�� th� principal criteria in judging the m�rita of the <br />proposal . t�e � suggest �hat ��� �cincipai .quegtion involv�d in tY►e s�zoning <br />rcequ�8t is th�t as out�ined in �atcags�ph 7 of �t� app�mded re�ort o Thie <br />i�, that if �i�e prop��ty ia �e�oned to a"B-2t° cmtegory tl�e�� would appea�r <br />to be no #alid �r���on �hy th� res� of �he stri.p �hocald not be r�soned <br />